March 13, 2016

Sheep Shearing Instructional Video | Gallagher Electric Fence

Learning to shear sheep is important. Understanding these six shearing positions will allow you to keep the sheep safe and comfortable while also letting your legs do the work for you (saving your back). We've also included an exciting bonus at the end of this post ... a complete step-by-step sheep shearing guide, detailing each of the 6 steps you'll see in this video.6 Key Positions to Shearing a Sheep (Step-by-Step Guide)

Here's a list of the 6 positions covered in the video above. Feel free to print these off for reference as you're learning how to shear a sheep.

1.Sheep Sitting on its Rump - To get the sheep in this position stand by its side with your feet set wide apart on either side of its shoulder. Plant your feet and slip your left thumb into its mouth behind its incisors and in front of its molars, twisting its head firmly back toward its far shoulder. In the same motion push the sheep's rump toward the ground with your right hand. When the sheep starts to sit down pull the sheep's front legs up and sit it comfortably one one flank, holding its shoulders securely with your knees.

2. Sheep Sitting on its Right Hip, Leaning Against Your Legs - After you've sheared its belly and between its legs, let the sheep sit back on its right hip, leaning against your legs as you support its shoulders with your knees. This will allow you to shear it's left rear leg, from the hip to the tail all the way up to the spine. It's important to bend from the waist to reach the sheep's rump in this position so you do not injure your back.

3. Sheep Sitting Straight Up on its Rump - After you've finished shearing the sheep's left rear leg sit it up straight on its rump, stepping between its legs with your right leg, the toe of your foot under its flank and locking your knee between the sheep's breastbone and right foreleg. With your left leg support the sheep's back so it feels secure and doesn't struggle. This will allow you to shear the sheep's neck and head.

4. Sheep Laying on its Right Side - Once you've cleaned off the head, neck and left shoulder, keep your right foot exactly where it is but let the sheep's front end down gently, stepping back with your left foot and supporting the sheep's right shoulder. This will ensure that none of the sheep's feet or legs touch the floor ... very important as the sheep will struggle if it senses it can might be able to regain its footing. Once the sheep is in this position make long cuts along its side and back, continuing as far as you can reach without rolling the sheep so it can touch the ground with its feet. Try to make two full passes on the far side of the sheep's back.

5. Sheep Laying on its Right Hip, Neck Bent Between Your Legs - From this position kick your right foot out around the fiber, pulling it back in toward the sheep's body and then gently pull the sheep's head up, bending her neck back across her left shoulder and holding the head in that position with your legs. In this position clean off the wool that remains on her head and begin working down her neck and right shoulder. After you've cleared the shoulder and front right leg, grip the sheep's right elbow with your left hand to pull the skin taught and continue to support the sheep's head and neck with your legs, bending your knees in around its body and pointing your toes in at an angle beneath the sheep's hips.

6. Sheep on its Left Hip, Head & Four Legs in front of you, Leaning on Your Legs - In this final position you have a clear view of where you need to go to finish shearing the sheep. The right leg, hip and rump are the only areas which still have wool at this point. Shear the front of the right rear leg and then work down toward the rump and tail until you free the last of the wool from the sheep.

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