March 27, 2019




Grazing networks are groups of farmers and ranchers who work together to increase their knowledge

of forage management, pasture.based production, and farm economics. Grazing networks

promote a mutual approach to learning, in which each member is both student and teacher.

The members share their experiences and offer advice to one another, organize educational events

around their common interests, and spend some time socializing. Members of grazing networks

usually find that what they learn from other farmers and ranchers is timely, practical, and profitable.

They also find within the network a spirit of community and support that, while intangible,

many see as crucial to sustaining the life of family farms.


Farmers in New Zealand, especially dairy farmers, started forming grazing networks more than 40

years ago. Grazing techniques developed there, such as management.intensive grazing (MIG, or

management.intensive rotational grazing, MiRG), have become cornerstones for the grazing networks

that have taken root in the US since the 1980s. Grazing networks now exist throughout this

country and are especially active in the Midwest, where Wisconsin, for example, claims 23 networks

serving farmers in 51 of the state.s 72 counties (1).

Becoming Part of a Grazing Network

The easiest way to get involved with a grazing network is

to join one. Many county Extension agents coordinate

grazing networks, or at least know of any networks active

in their areas. But if there are none, you can start one.

Most grazing networks get started simply enough, when

three or four graziers start talking about their common

problems or concerns and decide to pool their knowledge

to help one another out. Reaching others who may be interested

in becoming part of the network is usually done

by word of mouth or through targeted mailings (2). In

either case, someone must take on the job of doing the

initial leg work and coordinating the organizational meeting.


If you do not know other graziers in your area, your Extension agent, local veterinarians, or someone

at the feed store can probably help you put together a list. When you call people on your list to

invite them to your first meeting, be prepared to answer their questions about what doing

and why. Keep it simple and direct. .Farmers usually say they attended their first group meeting

because they were asked personally. (2).

If personal or telephone contact isn.t practical for you, the recruitment tool is a targeted

mailing to a list of potential members. .Targeted. is the key word here. Try to identify farmers and

ranchers whom you believe may have an interest in managing their pastures for greater profit. In

your mailing (as well as in direct contacts), be sure to make clear the purpose and philosophy

behind the group and to include the names of others who will be at the meeting. .Many farmers ...

  1. ttended the first meeting because they knew they would have an opportunity to meet and talk

with other farmers they respect. (2).

A lot of what it takes to host an organizational meeting is common sense. Schedule it at a convenient

time. Have an agenda that allows for plenty of feedback from the participants. Have someone

taking notes. Provide refreshments.

One important decision that you need to make early in the formation of your group is whether it

will be open to anyone interested or whether its membership will be limited. Both open memberships

and closed memberships have their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Networks with an open membership are usually larger than closed.membership groups and sometimes

require a more formal structure to keep them running. Larger groups do offer a greater diversity

of ideas and experiences than those with closed memberships, and there are more people to

assist new members in understanding how the network operates. But the diversity of open.membership

groups is their greatest strength, in the view of many who advocate them (3, 4).

On the other hand, the larger size of most open groups, with their ever.shifting dynamics and

greater demand for coordination, tends to make them less cohesive than smaller networks. Also,

large meetings, with their more formal structure, limit the depth in which a topic can be discussed


The smaller size of most networks with closed membership has its own appeal. Aside from usually

having a more informal structure and requiring less energy to coordinate and maintain, closed

networks allow their members to get to know one another better, to form strong relationships, and

to focus their activities more easily on topics of mutual interest. As Jason Rankin, a networker from

County Down in Northern Ireland, says, .If you get ten committed members then that is plenty.

(5). One disadvantage of a smaller group is that the number and variety of ideas within it will be

more limited (2). Another shortcoming is that smaller networks demand a stronger commitment

from their members. If only three members of a network are actively involved, the group

is in trouble.

The size of your group, whether open or closed membership, will largely determine how it functions

and how much effort is necessary to keep it vital. But regardless of size, no grazing network

runs by itself. There has to be leadership and some method of governance.

While Extension agents do act as coordinators for some grazing networks, the .leadership should

really come from within the group . . . [and] members themselves must lead the network. (6). .This

is in fact the heart of a grazing network: the experts are the ones doing it, and the ones doing it

are the farmers. (3). Someone has to take responsibility for calling and running meetings, contacting

members, arranging for guest speakers, organizing pasture walks and pot.luck dinners. In a

small group, this may be an individual or, in a larger group, a body of officers. In either case,

leadership and coordination are crucial to a network.s success.

Just as there are open (usually large) and closed (usually smaller) membership groups, there are

also formal and informal ways of running them. Formal structures . with elected officers and

meetings run by some established rules of order . are usually better suited to larger groups. Indeed,

a very large group may require a formal structure to avoid chaos. But not always. The Grassroots

Grazing Group (see Case Study below) still maintains a very informal structure, even though it has

grown from its original 13 members by more than six fold. Smaller groups, on the other hand, those

with no more than 10 to 15 members, can usually function well with just a few ground rules and

someone willing to see that everyone knows when and where to meet. Smaller groups may

be able to act swiftly and make decisions by consensus, although the danger for groups making

decisions by consensus is .the tendency to make compromises just to move the consensus along.


Regardless of the method of governance your network chooses, the person in charge has several

very important obligations to the group. Let.s call the person in charge .the coordinator..

The coordinator.s first (and ongoing) task is to find out what the group is interested in, what topics

or problems or activities it most wants to explore. Obviously, there will be some areas of common

concern that brought the group together in the first place, but the coordinator must ensure that

fresh ideas and new concerns are given fair consideration. Of course, members should be free to

introduce topics or suggest activities at any time, but it is the coordinator.s role to poll the membership

and find out where its greatest interests lie. In a small group, it might take no more than

asking, .What are you folks interested in?. In a larger group, it may be necessary to use a more

formal poll, followed by a vote.

Once a coordinator has determined what the network members want to discuss, he or she can start

setting the agendas for meetings. This may seem no more than note taking, just a list of things to

talk about, but it serves a function critical to making meetings go well: bringing them to a good end.

Members can read a published agenda and come to meetings prepared to ask questions or make

comments focused on the issues at hand. The agenda also helps the coordinator keep meetings on.

track and gets the members to the coffee and cake or the pot.luck dinner been waiting for

a little faster.

Once the coordinator has an agenda, the next step is scheduling. Meetings, pasture walks, guest

lectures, field demonstrations . all these must be held at times when the greatest number of members

can attend. Again, common sense goes a long way when drawing up a schedule. Don.t schedule

in the middle of a weekday during haying season or when some popular community event (the

Big Game, the Mouse Milking Derby, etc.) is taking place.

The coordinator has not only to decide when things happen but also what. Based on the interests of

the members, the coordinator will have to arrange for speakers (often from Extension, another

grazing group, or a university), set up demonstrations, and see to it that there are activities for

children at the events.

Finally, perhaps the single most important job for the coordinator is to make sure that members get

the information they need about meetings and activities, and that they get it far enough in advance

to work it into their schedules. Telephone calls, e.mails, newsletters, public service announcements

on local TV and radio stations, can all make the coordinator.s job easier and the coordinator more


Sustaining the Network

The members of a grazing network need to share a belief in a set of clearly stated goals that not only

address immediate, pragmatic concerns . improving pastures, boosting production, and increasing

profits for the members . but also reflect the members. social, environmental, and personal

aspirations. The success of a network depends upon the success of each individual in it, and vice

versa. This means the network has to be more than just a forum for practical matters; it must also be

an integral part of the lives of the members. Wayne Burleson, a grazier and Holistic Management

Certified Educator from Absarokee, Montana, says of his grazing group, .[it is] part friendship,

part support, part family, and part business. (7). And, as a study of the Missouri Green Hills Farm

Project discovered, . . . . the group.s goals represent a mix of social, economic, and environmental

objectives. (4).

Shared goals and aspirations give focus and direction to the group. They are the philosophical glue

that binds network members together. And they provide a framework of support within which

members can work to realize their individual ambitions.

The essence of grazing networks is learning and support. But monthly meetings

or pasture walks or pot.luck suppers aren.t always enough to keep the members in touch, especially

when one of them needs help with a problem right now. A directory of members, with phone

numbers, addresses, and e.mail addresses, makes it much easier for members to contact one another.

An e.mail listserve provides a venue for ongoing discussions as well as fast access to information.

The Grassroots Grazing Group . which has more than 80 member.families in Arkansas,

Missouri, and Oklahoma . operates a listserve (moderated through ATTRA) that its members use

regularly. As one GGG farmer puts it: .The listserve is invaluable in allowing me to get timely

answers to questions necessary for management of forages, nutrients, livestock, and pests. (8).

Shared goals and ready communication are fundamental to getting a network going, but there.s

even more to keeping one going. Andy Hager, Extension agent in Taylor County, Wisconsin, who

coordinates more than 250 farms in the Northcentral Graziers Network, believes there are three

things that make a network work: mentoring, flexibility, and creativity (3).

Mentoring is the practice of pairing an experienced grazier with a beginner .

learning at its purest . and it addresses one of the common challenges that grazing groups face:

how to accommodate the different needs of both beginning and advanced graziers. It allows new

members to integrate more easily into the group, while they at the same time reap practical benefits

from the knowledge and experience of the veteran. But perhaps more importantly, it helps established

members to .learn twice, by teaching. (9), and keeps them involved in the crucial agricultural

endeavor of raising new crops of farmers.

.Flexibility. and .creativity. are more difficult to quantify. They may grow naturally out of the

group.s diversity or be reflective of the group.s leadership. Whatever their source, an openness to

new ideas and the urge to improve upon old ones are important qualities for sustaining the vitality

of a network. But they show their worth best in the activities that the network sponsors.

No activity is more representative of how grazing groups work than the pasture walk. As we.ll

discuss later, pasture walks can have a lot of variety, but one general description sums them up


reasonably well: .Pasture Walks involve other graziers. They serve as constructive critics, extra sets

of observing eyes, fellow commiserators, question.raisers, and most importantly these people are

genuinely interested . dedicated to making grazing work better on everyone.s farms. (8).

A pasture walk can involve more than just walking a member.s pasture and assessing its health,

needs, and use, but that is the core of the activity. In many grazing networks, pasture walks (and

the pot.luck dinner following them) are a major part of the monthly meetings of the group from

spring until winter.

The Grassroots Grazing Group provides its members with an outline for hosting a pasture walk (8).

According to the GGG literature, the following are important considerations for a successful walk.

*Plan the pot.luck meal well in advance and let the other members

know what kinds of dishes they should bring.

*Be sure everyone knows exactly when and where the walk

will take place. If the location is difficult to find, provide maps

and instructions on how to get there.

*Plan the tour to focus on successes or challenges. Have questions

ready for the group concerning any specific problems

you may be facing.

*Introduce your farm or pasture with a brief history of the place.

How long have you had this farm? When did you get involved

with controlled grazing? What are the other farm enterprises?

In other words, provide as much useful background information

as possible about how the pasture has been used in the

past and how you would like to use it in the future.

*Have a map of the property that shows its basic features:

. soil types

. land contours

. water sources

. forage species

. special.use pastures

*Prepare information about your fertility and systems.

*If you have a lot of ground to cover, provide a hayrack or truck to transport the group.

*Discuss what each of you saw and thought.

*Enjoy your meal.

In grazing networks that have been operating for a few years, pasture walks tend to take on a

certain sameness (11), and the groups look to diversify their activities. They often invite guest speakers

(12) from Extension, the university, or another grazing group. They may form discussion groups

(13) or create problem.solving exercises (14) that address broader farm issues such as costs, management,

or budgets. Other activities many groups use to keep things interesting include field research

trials and demonstrations of new practices or technologies (2).

The social component of grazing groups is vital to their sustainability (6, 8). Farmers have long

days, and sometimes it feels like there are eight of them a week. Farmsteads may be far apart, and

farm life often leaves little time for a social life, let alone meeting new people. Being a member of a

grazing group not only provides farmers with practical information, it also creates a social circle of

like.minded folks who gather regularly both to discuss their common interests and to have fun.

.There must be a balance between formal discussion and socialization,. says Tom Wrchota, a

grazier from Wisconsin, who adds, .I received much more out of the group than what I put into it.

Case Study: Grassroots Grazing Group

The Grassroots Grazing Group (GGG) began in 1997, with a gathering of farmers, ranchers, and

educators at the farm of John and Becky Spain in Hindsville, Arkansas. After some discussion of

their common interests, the group made the decision to form a grazing network and to look for

funding to help support their start.up efforts. Working through NCAT/ATTRA, GGG applied for

and received an EPA Sustainable Development Challenge Grant. In January, 1998, the 13 founding

member families signed their mission statement and paid their dues. Since then, GGG has grown to

more than 80 member families.

Regular . usually monthly . pasture walks are a central feature of GGG activities. The group will

meet at a member family.s farm and, after a brief orientation by the owner, tour the operation,

looking at the pasture, livestock, and equipment. Following the tour, the members discuss what observed over a pot.luck dinner, and after dinner hold a short business meeting. Some

members have also organized field trips to The Stockman Grassfarmer Conference and to nearby

research farms. A favorite activity of GGG is to meet at a beginning grazier.s farm and discuss how

best to set up its grazing system. Three teams, each composed of both experienced and beginning

graziers, walk the new member.s pasture, discuss what they see, and draw up three different

proposals for consideration. This has proved beneficial not only to the newcomer but to the old

hands as well. They all realize how much they know and how much they have to contribute to the

group. After using this approach to help design his own pasture operation, one beginning

grazier said, .Had it not been for the things I have just begun to implement, I have serious

doubts I would have made it through this drought..

When Networks Break Down

Nothing lasts forever . although an argument could be made for Spam . and grazing networks

are no different. Energy wanes, enthusiasm slackens, discord arises among the members, who complain

of lack of leadership, lack of new ideas, or lack of communication (6). Organizations all have

their natural life cycles and go through similar phases (2). At some point, any grazing network will

have to face the fact that it.s just not working as well as it could, that members are suffering burnout

and are not bringing the same level of energy and vitality to the group that they once did (11).

A grazing network at this point in its life may be ill, but it is far from dead.

Revitalizing a network may mean going back to basics, looking at its stated goals or mission statement,

and seeing whether these goals still meet the needs of the members (2). Some networks choose

to subdivide into smaller groups with specialized interests (16), while others opt to focus the entire network on advanced issues (11). As mentioned above, guest speakers, discussion groups, mentoring,

and social events can all help to pump life into a network. It.s here that the principles of flexibility

and creativity will need to be called upon.

If, despite all your efforts, the group doesn.t have the collective will to continue, accept the inevitableand disband, taking with you all the knowledge and friendships that the network has brought to you.


Establishing and maintaining a grazing network is challenging. It demands leadership, commitment,

time, energy, and creativity. And balancing the different needs and expectations of the members

will be an ongoing task. Being an active member of a grazing group . the only kind to be, if

you expect to get the most from it . is not a casual activity.

That hard work and dedication will, however, be rewarded. The example of New Zealand and the

growth in popularity of grazing networks in the US is proof that they work. The educational,

social, and economic benefits that farmers discover in grazing groups far outweigh the effort necessary to make them work.

March 20, 2019


After last week's blizzard & heavy rainfall, many rural Nebraska communities and ranchers are in dire need of assistance. The flooding caused devastating damage to homes and ranches as well as loss of life & livestock. As people are trying to salvage what they can, help is needed.
If you wish to send monetary donations use the links below:
If you can volunteer or have hay, feed, fencing supplies, or other needed physical items to donate, please use these links:
To read a news story, click HERE.
Thank you for considering donating to help rural America!

February 27, 2019

Gallagher Electric Fence, Livestock Scale, Cattle Management Products

Complete list of all Gallagher livestock electric fence and cattle scale products available.

Gallagher Fence Energizer M10000i The world's most powerful energizer. Combining the brute force power of 100 stored joules with the fence monitoring capabilities of the i Series System, the Fence Energizer M10000i will deliver more power back to your property than any other energizer on the market.

• Clean Fence: 1,000 miles / 6,000 acres - Typical Fence: 125 miles / 3,000 acres
• Comes with an external control and display panel. This means that the energizer can be locked away somewhere safe and out of the way, but easily controlled from a convenient location of your choice, connected by a standard telephone extension cable up to 164' away from the energizer.
• Green indicator light flashes when energizer is working satisfactorily and red indicator light flashes when energizer has detected a fence fault. Solid red when there is a sudden increase in fence load
• Split bolt recessed terminals with wire guide for simple and clean wire installation
• Surface-mount technology that delivers superior quality
• Features high performance adaptive output control technology that automatically adjusts to suit your fence conditions while minimizing power consumption. Includes alarms to highlight when fence or grounding problems occur
• Alarms on output, fence and ground voltage alert when voltage is under pre-set levels. Default alarm levels are: output voltage 3kV, ground voltage 500V
• Advanced lightning protection
• Self diagnostic ability allowing you to determine the fault in your system quickly
• RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) suppressed circuitry
• High tolerance built-in power supply enables successful 230V operation on the poorest performing rural power outlets
• Short circuit protection to ensure user safety and product reliability if the outputs are directly shorted together
• Three high voltage terminals for ground, ground reference and fence terminal connections
• Power supply requirements: 110-120 Volt AC, 20 watts
• Adaptive control will adjust energy levels to maintain 8.0kv output
• Additional i Series Accessories sold separately
• 3-year warranty

Energizer Controller Features:
• Easily monitor and control fence performance
• Mount in a convenient location for easy access of fence performance information
• View fence and zone performance at a glance
• Turn energizer ON/OFF from controller
• Fully waterproof

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G379514 3 110V Energizers G308514 6-44493-30851-1 N/A Gallagher Fence Energizer M5800i This 58 joule energizer powers up to 430 miles or 2,700 acres of clean fence. Includes energizer controller to easily monitor and control fence performance. High performance adaptive output control technology automatically adjusts to suit your fence conditions while minimizing power consumption. Additional i Series accessories sold separately.  3 110V Energizers G315514 6-44493-31551-9 19414701315512 Gallagher Fence Energizer MB2800i Gallagher's MB2800i Energizer allows you to quickly and easily monitor your fence performance, informing you of any problems immediately, so you can take action to protect your livestock and land in the event of a fence breach.

• Clean Fence: 250 miles / 1,500 acres - Typical Fence: 50 miles / 1,000 acres
• Energizer Controller - provides total peace of mind that your fence is working correctly. The Controller shows all of your fence performance information (e.g. voltage, faults and location) in one convenient separate display box that can be located up to 160’ away from the Energizer.
• 28 Joules of stored energy
• Energy efficient – adjusts its power output to suit your fence conditions and minimize power consumption
• Power your fence, your way – mains, battery or solar. Energizer comes complete with a mains and battery lead set for all power source options (battery and solar panel sold separately for battery and solar powered solutions)
• Smart battery management - reduces pulse rate and output energy to manage battery life and ensure 24/7 stock control
• Compliance with latest UL Standards guarantees safety and reliability
• Quick scan LED fence performance lights
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G315514 3 110V Energizers G315504 6-44493-31550-2 19414701315505 Gallagher Fence Energizer MB1800i Gallagher i Series Fence Energizers carry a powerful shock, but they also offer 24/7 peace of mind by monitoring your fence performance and informing you of any voltage drops or issues so immediate action can be taken.

• Clean Fence: 200 miles / 1,200 acres - Typical Fence: 42 miles / 420 acres
• Energizer Controller - provides total peace of mind that your fence is working correctly. The Controller shows all of your fence performance information (e.g. voltage, faults and location) in one convenient separate display box that can be located up to 160’ away from the Energizer.
• 18 Joules of stored energy
• Energy efficient – adjusts its power output to suit your fence conditions and minimize power consumption
• Power your fence, your way – mains, battery or solar. Energizer comes complete with a mains and battery lead set for all power source options (battery and solar panel sold separately for battery and solar powered solutions)
• Smart battery management - reduces pulse rate and output energy to manage battery life and ensure 24/7 stock control
• Compliance with latest UL Standards guarantees safety and reliability
• Quick scan LED fence performance lights
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G315504 3 110V Energizers G51000 6-44493-51000-6 60644493510008 Gallagher i Series Fence Monitor Add up to 6 monitors to your fence system to turn it into a fully monitored set up that keeps the Energizer Controller constantly in the know and up-to-date with fence performance.

• Use across your property to monitor fence voltage and current at up to six different locations (zones)
• Compatible with the i Series range of Fence Energizer Systems
• Monitors fence zones and alerts you of any significant drop in performance, saving time to locate the faults on your property

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G51000 3 Fence Management (i Series) G50700 6-44493-50700-6 19414701507009 Gallagher i Series Remote The remote pinpoints an electric fence fault within the monitored zone and enables you to turn off your i Series energizer during repair and on again once the repair is complete.

• Accurately measure fence voltages and current
• Find a fault on the fence quickly and easily, within a zone
• Rugged and reliable with a tough, water-resistant casing design
• Compatible with the 10000i, 5800i, 2800i and 1800i - i Series Fence Energizers
• Includes battery (9V)

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G50700 3 Fence Management (i Series) G56700 N/A N/A Gallagher Wifi Gateway The Wifi Gateway connects to the port on the back of an i Series Energizer. The controller can be simultaneously connected to the Wifi Gateway and mounted in a convenient location allowing you to see your fence performance at a glance.

• Allows connectivity to the Dashboard Fence app
• Wifi network required
• For remote locations consider a wifi mobile hotspot
• Real time control over your fence
• View and set alarms for up to 6 fence monitors 1 Fence Management (i Series) G301504 6-44493-30140-6 19414701301508 Gallagher Fence Energizer MB1000 Gallagher’s MB1000 powers up to 100 miles or 600 acres of clean fence. It is a dual-purpose energizer which means you have the option of powering as a 110V plug-in directly out of the box or as a battery/solar (solar panel sold separately).

• Clean Fence: 100 miles / 600 acres - Typical Fence: 34 miles / 250 acres
• 12 Stored Joules
• LED power indicators: green when energizer is powered, flashes red when fence fault is detected
• Easy-to-use, weather-tight power adaptor input
• Includes battery lead set and 110V adapter
• Advanced lightning protection
• Surface mount technology that delivers superior quality
• Split bolt recessed terminals with wire guide for simple and clean wire installation
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G301504
  3 110V Energizers G324514 6-44493-32451-1 19414701324514 Gallagher Fence Energizer M1500 Made to last, Gallagher’s M1500 is robust and reliable with a tough outer casing ideal for managing large pastures.

• Clean Fence: 160 miles / 900 acres - Typical Fence: 40 miles / 360 acres
• Adaptive voltage control technology increases voltage output when fence conditions change
• Features a quickscan bar graph showing voltage output at a glance and a digital output reading
• Built-in lightning diverter
• Compliance with latest UL Standards guarantees safety and reliability
• Simple "plug and play" installation
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G324514 3 110V Energizers G324504 6-44493-32450-4 19414701324507 Gallagher Fence Energizer M1100 Gallagher's M1100 Energizer is crafted from a rugged combination of tough, high impact plastic. It includes a built-in lightning diverter and the latest internal circuitry. Ideally suited for large pastures.

• Clean Fence: 110 miles / 650 acres - Typical Fence: 36 miles / 280 acres
• 11 Joules of stored energy
• Adaptive voltage control technology increases voltage output when fence conditions change
• Split bolt terminals for easy installation and good connection
• Shows output voltage of the energizer at a glance via bar graph
• Compliance with latest UL Standards guarantees safety and reliability
• Simple "plug and play" installation
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G324504 3 110V Energizers G323524 6-44493-32352-1 19414701323524 Gallagher Fence Energizer M800 A customer favorite, Gallagher’s M800 uses up to 8.0 stored Joules to send power down the fence to keep livestock in and unwanted visitors out.

• Clean Fence: 90 miles / 520 acres - Typical Fence: 30 miles / 200 acres
• High performance livestock control delivers market leading performance and reliability
• Easy to secure to a flat surface via keyhole mounting points
• Built-in lightning diverter
• Compliance with latest UL Standards guarantees safety and reliability
• Simple "plug and play" installation
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G323524 3 110V Energizers G323514 6-44493-32351-4 19414701323517 Gallagher Fence Energizer M560 Robust and reliable, Gallagher's M560 is made to last with a tough outer casing, built-in lightning diverter and the latest internal circuitry. Compliant with latest UL Standards guarantees safety and reliability.

• Clean Fence: 75 miles / 400 acres - Typical Fence: 23 miles / 130 acres
• 5.6 Joules of stored energy
• Gallagher trusted reliability - Extensive testing and industry leading manufacturing processes provide exceptional reliability under harsh ranching and farming conditions
• Easy to use and install with simple fence terminals and hassle-free mounting
• Check power at a glance with the power-on indicator
• Ideally suited for small to medium pastures
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G323514 3 110V Energizers G323504 6-44493-32350-7 19414701323500 Gallagher Fence Energizer M360 Robust and reliable, Gallagher's 110V Fence Energizer M360 is made to last with a tough outer casing, built-in lightning diverter, and the latest internal circuitry. Compliance with latest UL Standards guarantees safety and reliability. Simple "plug and play" installation. 3-year warranty.

• Clean Fence: 55 miles / 250 acres - Typical Fence: 19 miles / 95 acres
• 3.6 Stored Joules

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G323504 3 110V Energizers G330444 6-44493-33044-4 19414701330447 Gallagher Fence Energizer M160 Gallagher's M160 Energizer has built-in lightning protection and was tested under extreme conditions to ensure unbeatable reliability - delivering outstanding performance day in and day out.

• Clean Fence: 30 miles / 100 acres - Typical Fence: 11 miles / 60 acres
• 1.6 Joules of stored energy
• UL Approved
• Easy to use and install with simple fence terminals and hassle-free mounting
• Check power at a glance with the power-on indicator
• Ideally suited for small pastures
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G330444 3 110V Energizers G330434 6-44493-33043-7 19414701330430 Gallagher Fence Energizer M120 Gallagher's M120 Energizer has built-in lightning protection and was tested under extreme conditions to ensure unbeatable reliability - delivering outstanding performance day in and day out. Ideally suited for small pastures.

• Clean Fence: 15 miles / 60 acres - Typical Fence: 6 miles / 30 acres
• 1.2 Joules of stored energy
• Robust and reliable - made to last with tough outer casing and built-in lightning diverter
• Easy to use and install with simple fence terminals and hassle-free mounting
• UL approved
• Check power at a glance with the power-on indicator
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G330434 3 110V Energizers G383414 6-44493-38341-9 19414701383412 Gallagher Fence Energizer M60 Gallagher's M60 Energizer has built-in lightning protection and was tested under extreme conditions to ensure unbeatable reliability - delivering outstanding performance day in and day out. Ideally suited for small pastures.

• Clean Fence: 10 miles / 40 acres - Typical Fence: 3 miles / 20 acres
• 0.6 Joules of stored energy
• Check power at a glance with the power-on indicator
• Easy to use and install with simple fence terminals and hassle-free mounting
• Compliance with latest UL Standards guarantees safety and reliability
• Simple "plug and play" installation
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G383414 3 110V Energizers G331434 6-44493-33143-4 19414701331437 Gallagher Fence Energizer M30 Gallagher's M30 Energizer has built-in lightning protection and was tested under extreme conditions to ensure unbeatable reliability - delivering outstanding performance day in and day out. Ideally suited for small pastures and gardens.

• Clean Fence: 5 miles / 20 acres - Typical Fence: 2 miles / 10 acres
• 0.3 Joules of stored energy
• UL Approved
• Robust and reliable - made to last with tough outer casing and built-in lightning diverter
• Easy to use and install with simple fence terminals and hassle-free mounting
• Check power at a glance with the power-on indicator
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G331434 3 110V Energizers G331424 6-44493-33142-7 19414701331420 Gallagher Fence Energizer M10 This 0.1 joule energizer powers up to 2 miles or 10 acres of clean fence. Check power at a glance with the power on indicator light. Simple plug-in setup. Made to last tough exterior casing with built-in lightning diverter. Best suited for small pastures and gardens. 3 110V Energizers G361404 6-44493-36140-0 N/A Gallagher Solar Fence Energizer S400 This 4 joule solar energizer powers up to 60 miles or 280 acres on a clean fence. 40 Watt solar panel generates envirnonmentally friendly clean energy and the unit can be mounted on a wall, wood post or t-post. Maintenance-free rechargeable batteries (requires two 12V batteries) and leads included. 3 Solar Energizers G360404 6-44493-36040-3 N/A Gallagher Solar Fence Energizer S200 Gallagher's S200 Solar Energizer is a fully portable and built to power up to 45 miles / 160 acres of clean fence and boasts several solar technology improvements like multiple power options, that make it ideal for both livestock inclusion and wildlife exclusion. The S200 will continue to work up to 1 week without the sun.

• Clean Fence: 45 miles / 160 acres - Typical Fence: 14 miles / 90 acres
• 2.0 Stored Joules
  Built-in solar panel charges battery for consistent, reliable fence performance
• 360 degree mounting capability, make it easy to mount onto a post and face towards the sun
• Water resistant case, with convenient carry handle and built-in lightning protection
• Multiple power options:
-Wildlife Mode pulses fast day and night
-Full Power Mode pulses fast during the day and slower at night, conserving power when animals are less active
• 20-watt solar panel (13" wide x 20" high)
• Includes 2 rechargeable 12V batteries and leadset
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G360404 3 Solar Energizers G346404 6-44493-34640-7 19414701346400 Gallagher Solar Fence Energizer S100 Gallagher's S100 Solar Energizer is ideal for managed rotational grazing and great for excluding unwanted wildlife. Unique battery save technology extends usage up to 3 weeks without sun.

• Clean Fence: 30 miles / 100 acres - Typical Fence: 8 miles / 60 acres
• 1.0 Stored Joules
• Built-in solar panel charges battery for consistent, reliable fence performance
• 360-degree mounting capability, make it easy to mount onto a post and face towards the sun
• Water resistant case, with convenient carry handle and built-in lightning protection
• Multiple power options:
-Wildlife Mode pulses fast day and night
-Full Power Mode pulses fast during the day and slower at night, conserving power when animals are less active
• Includes rechargeable 12V battery and leadset
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G346404 3 Solar Energizers G345404 6-44493-34540-0 19414701345403 Gallagher Solar Fence Energizer S40 Gallagher's S40 Solar Energizer will continue to work for up to 3 weeks without sun with its automated battery management.

• Clean Fence: 25 miles / 80 acres - Typical Fence: 5 miles / 30 acres
• 0.40 Stored Joules
• 360-degree mounting capability, make it easy to mount onto a post and face towards the sun
• Water resistant case, with convenient carry handle and built-in lightning protection
• Multiple power options:
-Wildlife Mode pulses fast day and night
-Full Power Mode pulses fast during the day and slower at night, conserving power when animals are less active
• Includes battery and leadset
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G345404 3 Solar Energizers G344414 6-44493-34441-0 19414701344413 Gallagher Solar Fence Energizer S22 Gallagher's S22 will power up to 40 acres / 12 miles of clean fence. It has 0.22 Joules of stored energy and is a self-sufficient, portable energizer which uses solar power to charge an internal battery. It can be used in permanent electric fencing, where there is no access to 110V power as well as for portable, short term animal control.

• Clean Fence: 12 miles / 40 acres - Typical Fence: 2 miles / 15 acres
  Built-in solar panel charges battery for consistent, reliable fence performance
• Turn on and forget - the S22 will work for up to 3 weeks without sun and is capable to power through the harshest winters
• Automatic night save mode extends battery life
• Can be mounted on a wooden post, t-post or barn wall
• High-impact, UV-resistant case for weatherproof, rust-proof and insect-proof outdoor use
• Easily transportable
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G344414 3 Solar Energizers G341424 6-44493-34142-5 19414701341429 Gallagher Solar Fence Energizer S20 The S20 portable solar energizer powers up to 12 miles / 40 acres of single wire fence with no vegetation and boasts several solar technology improvements that make it ideal for temporary grazing applications, livestock and pet containment.

• Clean Fence: 12 miles / 40 acres - Typical Fence: 2 miles / 14 acres
• Built-in solar panel charges battery for consistent, reliable fence performance
• Operates up to 3 weeks without sunlight!
• 360-degree mounting on t-post for correct orientation toward the sun
• Battery indicator light, so you know if you have a good charge
• High-impact, UV-resistant case for weatherproof, rust-proof and insect-proof outdoor use
• Maintenance-free rechargeable battery included
• Large terminals enable correct grounding for best energizer performance
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G341424 3 Solar Energizers G341414 6-44493-34141-9 19414701341412 Gallagher Solar Fence Energizer S16 Gallagher's S16 comes conveniently packaged with a rechargeable battery, fence/ground leads and built-in solar panel. The S16 has 0.16 Joules of stored energy, is quick and easy to install making it a great alternative to battery powered systems.

• Clean Fence: 10 miles / 30 acres - Typical Fence: 1 mile / 10 acres
  Built-in solar panel charges battery for consistent, reliable fence performance
• Operates up to 3 weeks without sunshine!
• 360-degree mounting on t-post for correct orientation toward the sun
• Battery indicator light, so you know if you have a good charge
• High-impact, UV-resistant case for weatherproof, rust-proof and insect-proof outdoor use
• Maintenance-free rechargeable battery included
• Easily transportable
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G341414 3 Solar Energizers G341404 6-44493-34140-2 19414701341405 Gallagher Solar Fence Energizer S10 The Gallagher S10 offers a lightweight, portable fencing solution to meet your livestock containment needs.

• Clean Fence: 3 miles / 15 acres - Typical Fence: 0.5 miles / 5 acres
  Built-in solar panel charges battery for consistent, reliable fence performance
• 0.1 Stored Joules
• 360-degree mounting on t-post for correct orientation toward the sun
• Battery indicator light, so you know if you have a good charge
• High-impact, UV-resistant case for weatherproof, rust-proof and insect-proof outdoor use
• Maintenance-free rechargeable battery included
• Designed for all weather conditions
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G341404 3 Solar Energizers G366504 6-44493-66504-1 19414701366507 Gallagher Battery Fence Energizer B280 Gallagher’s B280 is suitable for fencing all types of animal on small to mid-sized farms up to 200 acres. It is a dual-purpose energizer which means you have the option of powering as a 110V plug-in directly out of the box or as a battery/solar (solar panel sold separately).

• Clean Fence: 50 miles / 200 acres - Typical Fence: 22 miles / 110 acres
• 2.8 Stored Joules
• Battery-save feature extends battery life
• Quick-glance indicator light shows battery and fence voltage performance
• Rotary five-position dial to change energizer operating functions: battery check, full power, half power, night save (1.8 x more battery life) and off.
• Split bolt recessed terminals with wire guide for simple and clean wire installation
• Requires external 12V battery (not included)
• 3-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G366504 3 Solar/Battery Energizers G364504 6-44493-64504-3 10644493645040 Gallagher Battery Fence Energizer B180 This 1.8 joule energizer powers up to 30 miles or 100 acres of clean fence. Multi-power option allows operation at 110v or battery power (adapter not included). Preserve your battery with built-in energy save modes to extent battery life. Go green and convert this energizer to a solar powered unit (compatible with 10W Solar Panel). 3 Solar/Battery Energizers G362504 6-44493-62504-5 19414701362509 Gallagher Battery Fence Energizer B80 This 0.8 joule energizer powers up to 20 miles or 70 acres of clean fence. Multi-power option allows operation at 110v or battery power (adapter not included). Preserve your battery with built-in energy save modes to extent battery life. Go green and convert this energizer to a solar powered unit (compatible with 10W Solar Panel). 3 Solar/Battery Energizers G351504 6-44493-35150-0 10644493351507 Gallagher Battery Fence Energizer B60 This 0.6 joule battery powered energizer supports a clean fence up to 15 miles or 60 acres. Fence indicator flashes with each energizer pulse. ​​Compact and portable design. Use with a 12V, deep cycle battery (not included). 3 Battery Energizers G353414 6-44493-00353-9 19414701353408 Gallagher Portable Battery Fence Energizer B11 This 0.11 joule battery powered energizer supports a clean fence up to 4 miles or 20 acres. Requires six "D" batteries or external 12V battery (batteries not included). 12V battery leads included. 3 Battery Energizers G36311 6-44493-36311-4 10644493363111 Gallagher Portable Battery Fence Energizer B10 This 0.08 joule battery powered energizer supports a clean fence up to 4 miles or 20 acres. It is an ideal energizer for gardeners and those wishing to protect shrubs, young trees, small plots and landscapes from wildlife as well as domestic animals. Clips on to Gallagher Poly Wire, Poly Tape or galvanized wire. Pulse rate slows to conserve battery life as batteries run down. Requires six "D" batteries or external 12V battery (not included). 12V battery leads not included. 12V leads (G52100). 3 Battery Energizers G59300 6-44493-00493-2 30644493004933 Gallagher S10/S16/S20 Leadset Complete the connection with Gallagher Fence & Ground Leads. Compatible with S10, S16 and S20 Energizers.
Manufacturer's Part Number: # G59300 1 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories G49602 6-44493-49602-7 9414701496023 Gallagher 130 Watt Framed Solar Panel Power your energizers with clean, renewable energy. Compatible with Gallagher energizers: B700, MB1000, MB1800i and MB2800i.

• Regulator protects the battery by controlling power flow
• Stainless steel mounting brackets, bolts and clamps for longer life 
• Multiple tilt positions for maximum light exposure

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G49602 2 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories G49582 6-44493-49582-2 9414701495828 Gallagher 80 Watt Framed Solar Panel Power your energizers with clean, renewable energy. Compatible with Gallagher energizers: B700, MB1000, MB1800i and MB2800i.

• Regulator protects the battery by controlling power flow
• Stainless steel mounting brackets, bolts and clamps for longer life 
• Multiple tilt positions for maximum light exposure

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G49582 2 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories AFR20 N/A N/A Gallagher 20 Watt Framed Solar Panel Power your energizer with clean, renewable energy. Compatible with solar/battery energizer B280. 2 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories AFR10 8-69150-00000-7 N/A Gallagher 10 Watt Framed Solar Panel Power your energizers with clean, renewable energy. Compatible with Solar/Battery Energizers B180 and B80. 2 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories G52100 6-44493-52100-2 N/A Gallagher B10 12V Battery Adaptor Kit 12V leads compatible with battery fence energizer B10. 1 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories G40101 6-44493-40100-7 N/A Gallagher Multi-power Adaptor for B280, B180 & B80 Converts B80, B180 or B280 to 110 Volt power. 1 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories APC1250 6-56489-18628-7 N/A Gallagher 12 Volt 5 Amp Battery (S20)  12 Volt 5 Amp battery for S20. Maintenance free and rechargeable.  1 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories A905 6-56489-06524-1 N/A Gallagher 6 Volt 4 Ah Battery 6 V 4 Ah Battery replacement for the S10, S16, S20 and S22 Solar Energizers.

• Voltage – 6V
• Capacity – 4Ah

Manufacturer's Part Number: # A905 1 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories A738 6-56489-06612-1 N/A Gallagher 12 Volt 7 AMP Battery Rechargeable and maintenance free. Compatible with S100, S200, S400 and BR Series Electronic Controller. 1 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories A0959 6-56489-06554-4 10656489065541 Gallagher S40 Rechargeable 6V Battery Used in the Gallagher S40 Energizer. 1 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories A670 6-56489-06535-3 N/A Gallagher 6 Volt 7 Amp Battery 6 Volt 7 Amp battery for S22. Maintenance free and rechargeable.  1 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories AFR12 6-19775-27595-9 N/A Gallagher Side Pole Mount for 10 Watt Solar Panel Mounting hardware for 1 Gallagher 10 Watt Framed Solar Panel. 1 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories A203 N/A N/A Gallagher Metal Mounting Case  Lockable case for a battery or 110V Energizer. 2 Solar Panels & Energizer Accessories A351 6-44012-00059-9 90644012000592 Gallagher 6’ Ground Rod Galvanized ground rod ideal for hard ground conditions. 1 Grounding A351A 6-44012-00063-6 90644012000639 Gallagher 3' Ground Rod T-Handle Galvanized Ground Rod T-Handle does not rust or corrode. The T-Handle also makes it easier to move in temporary fencing applications or insert in hard ground conditions. Ideal for portable systems. 1 Grounding A352HD 6-44012-00055-1 N/A Gallagher Ground Rod Clamp Heavy duty galvanized ground rod clamp connects grounding wire to the ground rod.

• Corrosion resistant
• Ideal for hard ground conditions
• Designed for All Hot or Hot/Ground systems
• Ground Rod sold separately

Manufacturer's Part Number: # A352HD 1 Grounding A363HD 6-44012-001299 90644012001292 Gallagher Ground Rod Clamp (3 PK) Heavy duty galvanized ground rod clamps (3 pack). 1 Grounding A655 6-44012-00053-7 50644012000532 Gallagher Complete 3-Ground Rod Kit          This kit provides a good grounding system so the pulse can complete its circuit for effective animal control. Good for areas with dry conditions and low conductive soils. Contains three 6' galvanized rods, heavy-duty clamps and 50' of 12 gauge galvanized wire. 1 Grounding G88000 6-44493-01635-5 N/A Gallagher Super Grounding Kit Increases the conductivity of surrounding soil as the salt attracts moisture and the absorbent clay holds the moisture. Kit contains: salt (approx. 4.5 lb), absorbent clay (approx. 9lb), galvanized ground clamp and a stainless steel rod. 1 Grounding G50905 6-44493-50905-5 60644493509057 Gallagher Fence Volt/Current Meter and Fault Finder The Gallagher Fault Finder is a top-of-the-line current meter and digital volt meter built to help you identify and locate faults in your electric fence line. Gallagher’s Fault Finder allows you to check voltage, current and shorts in one quick step, saving you hours of time!

• Multi-mode fault finding tool: Current Meter and Digital Volt Meter (DVM)
• Convenient pocket size
• Water-resistant and impact-resistant case
• Large easy-to-read LCD display
• Long life battery - up to 3 years
• Auto ON/OFF. Activated when fence pulse is detected
• Switch to change between DVM and Current Meter modes
• Retractable voltage probe for reading voltage on energizers and other hard to reach areas
• Micro-chip technology that enables low voltage operation
• Detachable ground lead
• All parts fully replaceable
• Low battery indication

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G50905 1 Power Management Tools G503014 6-44493-07503-1 60644493075033 Gallagher Digital Volt Meter Quickly and easily obtain a digital reading of your fence voltage with the Gallagher Fence Volt Meter. Monitors fence voltage and helps trace shorts in the fence line. Activated when fence pulse is detected. Water-resistant. 1 Power Management Tools G501004 6-44493-01501-3 60644493015015 Gallagher Fence Volt Indicator Simple indicator lights show approximate fence voltage levels. 1 Power Management Tools G51100 6-44493-51100-3 60644493511128 Gallagher Live Fence Indicator High-visibility LED flashes to indicate fence is working effectively. If the voltage drops below 3,000V, the Live Fence Indicator starts to flash intermittently and if the voltage drops below 2,000V, the Live Fence Indicator will stop flashing altogether.

• No battery required, powered by the fence (2,000V or higher)
• Water and UV-resistant
• Quick and easy installation, simply place ground stake in the ground and clip onto fence wire or tape
• Low voltage cut off, so it will not flash if the fence voltage is too low

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G51100 1 Power Management Tools G60731 6-44493-60731-7 19414701607310 Gallagher Cut Out Switch A handy tool that allows a section of permanent fence to be switched off for maintenance, repairs or fault finding. H​​igh quality electrical contacts to handle high voltages. Made from impact resistant materials and UV stabilized plastic. Fits securely onto almost any post. Mounting screws supplied​. 1 Power Management Tools G610 6-44012-00077-3 20644012000777 Gallagher Cut Out Switch - Knife Alternative cut out switch option that allows a section of permanent fence to be switched off for maintenance or fault finding. Visible on/off switch for status checking at a glance. Fits securely onto almost any post. Mounting screws are supplied. 1 Power Management Tools G60400 6-44493-00604-2 19414701006045 Gallagher Flood Gate Controller Install on flood gates to prevent
significant power loss when the
water way is flooded. 1 Safety & Protection A209 0-37332-01064-3 N/A Gallagher Voltage Spike Protector 110V Protect your fence from damaging power surges. 1 Safety & Protection G602404 6-44493-00602-8 20644493006022 Gallagher Clip-on Warning Sign A highly visible sign that warns a fence is electrified. Required by law, to be used on boundaries and anywhere else the public has access to a fence. 1 Safety & Protection G64800 6-44493-06480-6 40644493064804 Gallagher Lightning Diverter Gallagher recommends that all energizers be fitted with a lightning diverter to help protect from lightning damage. This diverter will withstand multiple lightning strikes and can be adjusted to fit any energizer. 1 Safety & Protection G67702 6-44493-77024-0 20644493770244 Gallagher Strain Insulator - Black Strongest, long term end strain insulation for high tensile permanent electric fencing.

• Registered design for superior handling and strength
• Ideal for long strains of permanent fence
  Made from UV resistant material
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G67702 10 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G67812 6-44493-67812-6 20644493678120 Gallagher Strain Insulator - White Strongest, long term end strain insulation for high tensile permanent electric fencing.

• Registered design for superior handling and strength
• Ideal for long strains of permanent fence
  Made from UV resistant material
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G67812 10 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G674034 6-44493-00674-5 20644493006749 Gallagher Porcelain Round Insulator (Doughnut) Fire-resistant, high-quality glaze finish porcelain doughnut is 1.5” in diameter.

• Use for change of direction in permanent fences
• White-glaze finish
• 15-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G674034 15 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G692034 6-44493-10692-6 20644493106920 Gallagher Porcelain High Strain Insulator This long-life, fire resistant insulator is suitable for long strains of permanent fence. 15 End Strain Insulators & Strainers A213 6-44012-00064-3 N/A Gallagher Insulated Tube (100' coil) 100’ coil. Alternative to longer life, higher strength insulators. 1 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G614134 6-44493-61413-1 20644493614135 Gallagher Insulated Tube - White (23" strips) 23” Long protective strips for poly wire or braid. 1 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G614034 6-44493-14034-0 N/A Gallagher Insulated Tube - Black (23" strips) 23” Long protective strips for poly wire or braid. 1 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G61410 6-44493-61410-0 N/A Gallagher Insulated Tube (82' coil) 82’ coil. Alternative to longer life, higher strength insulators. 1 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G618034 6-44493-61803-0 50644493618035 Gallagher Insulated Wire Strainer Kit No wire tying, fast and simple install. Includes all three end strain elements - insulator, strainer and steel cable. Simply slide over the post and you’re done.

• For corner or end posts
• Strong, stainless steel cable for long life
• Fits up to 8" post
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G618034 10 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G61814 6-44493-61814-6 50644493618141 Gallagher High Strain Insulator Kit Long-life super strain insulator with pre-attached stainless-steel cable. The simplest option for end strain insulation, no wire tying or special tools required.

• Fits up to 8" post
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G61814 10 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G79504 6-44493-79504-5 50644493795040 Gallagher Wire Strainer Ratchet style wire strainer. Can also be used in-line by threading through strainer. Long life galvanized steel frame. Robust, high-quality spring loaded locking clip. See Strainer Handle (G69530) for help tightening. 10 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G79553 6-44493-79553-3 50644493795538 Gallagher Insulated Wire Strainer Combined end strain insulator and strainer. Simply tie onto strainer post and wind fence wire onto spool. Increased spool hub thickness provides extra strength. See Strainer Handle (G69530) for help tightening. 10 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G74313 6-44493-74313-8 9414701743131 Gallagher Insulated Strainer All in one assembly - insulate, strain and connect fence wires. Integrated joint clamp allows direct attachment of wires and power connection.

• Tighten up to 4 mm/15-gauge fence wire
• 12-tooth spool for fine adjustment and easy tightening
• Insulated body provides added protection from corrosion
• Heavy-duty, robust design backed by a 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G74313 10 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G64304 6-44493-64304-9 50644493643020 Gallagher In Line Wire Tightener Fits over wire for mid-fence straining, increasing effectiveness of strain by pulling from both directions. Ideal for tightening existing fences or trellising wires. See Ratchet Wire Tightening Tool (G645004) for help tightening. 10 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G64302 6-44493-64302-5 19414701643028 Gallagher In Line Wire Tightener - 5 Pack      Fits over wire for mid-fence straining, increasing effectiveness of strain by pulling from both directions. Ideal for tightening existing fences or trellising wires. See Ratchet Wire Tightening Tool (G645004) for help tightening. 10 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G61500 6-44493-61500-8 19414701106151 Gallagher Screw-In Tie Down Ensures a secure fence tie down. Tie down and handle sold separately. 1 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G615014 6-44493-00616-5 N/A Gallagher Screw-In Tie Down Handle Ensures a secure fence tie down. Tie down and handle sold separately. 1 End Strain Insulators & Strainers AH120 6-44012-00037-7 40644012000375 Gallagher Tape End Tensioner Firmly secures 1.5” tape. The unique clasp on this impact resistant polyethylene prevents movement and helps eliminate wear. 1 End Strain Insulators & Strainers AH125 6-44012-00038-4 40644012000382 Gallagher End/Corner Tensioner Firmly secures 1.5” tape. The unique clasp on this impact resistant polyethylene prevents movement and helps eliminate wear. 1 End Strain Insulators & Strainers AH105 6-44012-00036-0 40644012000368 Gallagher Tape Joiner 1.5” Used to join 1.5” tape. This stainless steel material is rust resistant. 1 End Strain Insulators & Strainers A290 6-44012-00021-6 50644012000211 Gallagher HD Tension Spring A versatile product with in-built over-stretch protection. Use for: • Fences with frequent snow loads. • Enabling irrigators to pass over fence lines. • On very short fence lines to maintain tension and prevent excessive strain on end posts. 1 End Strain Insulators & Strainers G67304 6-44493-00673-8 20644493006732 Gallagher Wood Post Claw Insulator The most popular choice for permanent electric fencing using wood posts. 10 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G68704 6-44493-25687-4 20644493256878 Gallagher Wood Post Pinlock Insulator - Black For wood post electric fences that need to be temporarily lowered for vehicle or stock access such as on laneways, beside drains and around silage pits. These insulators are ideal for high-tensile wire, coated wire or any application where additional strength is required.

• Made of high density, UV resistant plastic
• Heavy duty jaw design to withstand fence tension and keep wires firmly in place
• Superior insulation with large heavy-duty shield to prevent pulse arcing and reduce power leakage
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G68704 10 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G687144 6-44493-26687-3 19414701687145 Gallagher Wood Post Pinlock Insulator - White For wood post electric fences that need to be temporarily lowered for vehicle or stock access such as on laneways, beside drains and around silage pits. These insulators are ideal for high-tensile wire, coated wire or any application where additional strength is required.

• Made of high density, UV resistant plastic
• Heavy duty jaw design to withstand fence tension and keep wires firmly in place
• Superior insulation with large heavy-duty shield to prevent pulse arcing and reduce power leakage
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G687144 10 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G66604 6-44493-66604-8 19414701666041 Gallagher Wood Post Screw-in Ring Insulator - Black Angled slot allows quick securing and safe holding of wire. No need to create pilot hole first, simply screw into soft wood. See Drill Chuck (G71300) for assistance with screw-in ring insulators. 1 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G667 6-44012-00072-8 20644012000722 Gallagher Wood Post Screw-in Ring Insulator - White Angled slot allows quick securing and safe holding of wire. No need to create pilot hole first, simply screw into soft wood. See Drill Chuck (G71300) for assistance with screw-in ring insulators. 1 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G67614 6-44493-76144-6 20644493067610 Gallagher Wood Post Wide Jaw Claw Insulator - White Specifically designed for Gallagher's Equine Fence Wire, Rope or Turbo Braid. The extra strength jaws withstand significant fence tension and keep wires firmly in place.

• Easy installation and can be removed as well as reused
• Superior insulation - large heavy-duty shield prevents pulse arcing and reduces power leakage
• Made from UV stabilized polyethylene plastic to resist sun damage
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G67614 10 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G676044 6-44493-76044-9 20644493760443 Gallagher Wood Post Wide Jaw Claw Insulator - Black Specifically designed for Gallagher's Equine Fence Wire, Rope or Turbo Braid. The extra strength jaws withstand significant fence tension and keep wires firmly in place.

• Easy installation and can be removed as well as reused
• Superior insulation - large heavy-duty shield prevents pulse arcing and reduces power leakage
• Made from UV stabilized polyethylene plastic to resist sun damage
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G676044 10 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G626144 6-44493-62614-1 20644493626145 Gallagher Wood Post Wide Jaw Pinlock Insulator - White Designed for Equine Wire fences that need to be temporarily lowered for vehicle or animal access such as on laneways, beside drains or silage pits. These insulators have two holes for nails, wood screws or staples to make a strong attachment to the post. Made from quality plastic materials that are UV stable and designed for long life. Superior insulation with large heavy duty shield to prevent pulse arcing and reduce power leakage. Accommodates Equine Fence and braid products. 10 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G626044 6-44493-62604-2 N/A Gallagher Wood Post Wide Jaw Pinlock Insulator - Black Designed for Equine Wire fences that need to be temporarily lowered for vehicle or animal access such as on laneways, beside drains or silage pits. These insulators have two holes for nails, wood screws or staples to make a strong attachment to the post. Made from quality plastic materials that are UV stable and designed for long life. Superior insulation with large heavy duty shield to prevent pulse arcing and reduce power leakage. Accommodates Equine Fence and braid products. 10 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G66913 6-44493-66913-1 20644493669135 Gallagher Wood Post Heavy Duty Tape Insulator - White Soft rubber jaws lock 1.5” tape in place and prevent wear. Unique rubber pad eliminates tape wear. 10 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G679 6-44012-00082-7 N/A Gallagher Corner Lag Insulator - White This polycarbonate insulator with UV and color preservation is great for pulling through corners. 5 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G688 6-44012-00081-0 20644012000814 Gallagher Corner Lag Insulator - Black This polycarbonate insulator with UV and color preservation is great for pulling through corners. 5 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G671 6-44012-00078-0 N/A Gallagher Standard Porcelain Lag Insulator Long-life, fire resistant porcelain. 5 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G675 6-44012-00079-7 N/A Gallagher Large Porcelain Lag Insulator Long-life, fire resistant porcelain. 5 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G668044 6-44493-66804-2 N/A Gallagher Wood Post Tape Insulator - Black Designed specifically for Poly Tape up to 1.5” wide. Staples to post and clamps to fiberglass. 10 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G668144 6-44493-66814-1 N/A Gallagher Wood Post Tape Insulator - White Designed specifically for Poly Tape up to 1.5” wide. Staples to post and clamps to fiberglass. 10 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G60303 6-44493-60303-6 40644493603034 Gallagher Joint Clamp L Shape "Hex nut" - 10 PK         Options for clamping multiple HT wires in a secure electrical connection. 1 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G603044 6-44493-25603-4 19414701603046 Gallagher Joint Clamp L Shape "Hex nut" - 25 PK         Options for clamping multiple HT wires in a secure electrical connection. 1 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G603934 6-44493-03934-7 19414701603930 Gallagher Joint Clamp L Shape "Wing nut"  Clamps multiple wires together for excellent electrical connection. Heavily galvanized for durability and long life. Suitable on all size wires up to 3/16" (8 gauge). 1 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G603534 6-44493-60353-1 19414701603534 Gallagher Joint Clamp Hexagonal - 10 PK Dedicated option for clamping thicker wire/cable to a secure electrical connection. 1 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G60355 6-44493-60355-5 N/A Gallagher Joint Clamp Hexagonal - 25 PK Dedicated option for clamping thicker wire/cable to a secure electrical connection. 1 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G605 6-44012-00076-6 70644012000765 Gallagher Split Bolt Wire Connector Connects high tensile or regular wire with jumper or lead-in wire. Ensures good electrical connections. 1 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps AH101 6-44012-00069-8 N/A Gallagher Equine Fence Joiner Join Equine Fence or 12.5 gauge wire without special tools or crimps. Simply strip special polymer coating off Equine Fence and insert bare wire into joiner. 1 Wood Post Insulators, Connectors & Clamps G682034 6-44493-68203-1 19414701682034 Gallagher T-Post Wide Jaw Pinlock Insulator - Black Fits all T-Posts from 1.25” to 1.5”. This unique snap on design requires no tools to install. The wide jaw accommodates Equine Fence and braid products. Designed to fit snugly and prevent arcing. 10 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G682134 6-44493-68213-0 20644493682134 Gallagher T-Post Wide Jaw Pinlock Insulator - White Fits all T-Posts from 1.25” to 1.5”. This unique snap on design requires no tools to install. The wide jaw accommodates Equine Fence and braid products. Designed to fit snugly and prevent arcing. 10 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G654134 6-44493-65413-7 N/A Gallagher T-Post Tape Insulator 1.5” - White Fits all T-Posts from 1.25” to 1.5”. No tools are required to install. Specifically designed for .5"-1.5” tape. Will accommodate Equine Fence and braid products. 10 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G654034 6 44493-65403-8 19414701654031 Gallagher T-Post Tape Insulator 1.5” - Black Fits all T-Posts from 1.25” to 1.5”. No tools are required to install. Specifically designed for .5"-1.5” tape. Will accommodate Equine Fence and braid products. 10 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G685034 6-44493-68503-2 19414701685035 Gallagher T-Post Topper Insulator - Black Safety and flexibility - add a single electric wire, tape or braid to the top of existing posts using this protective cap. Helps to protect animals from top sharp edges on existing posts. Top accommodates 3/8" wire. Front accommodates 1 1/2” tape and 3/8" wire. Made from UV resistant plastic for long life and strength. 10 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G68513 6-44493-68513-1 20644493685135 Gallagher T-Post Topper Insulator - White Safety and flexibility - add a single electric wire, tape or braid to the top of existing posts using this protective cap. Helps to protect animals from top sharp edges on existing posts. Top accommodates 3/8" wire. Front accommodates 1 1/2” tape and 3/8" wire. Made from UV resistant plastic for long life and strength. 10 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G65514 6-44493-00655-4 20644493006558 Gallagher Rod Post Screw-on Claw Insulator Ideal for use in temporary electric fencing with round posts from 1/4" to 5/8" in diameter.

• Made from sunlight resistant plastic
• Easy to install and adjust using the locking tab
• Convenient to use when more than one wire is required to hold stock
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G65514 10 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G65604 6-44493-65604-9 19414701656042 Gallagher Rod Post Screw-on Claw Insulator Claw style insulator ideal for use in temporary electric fencing with rod posts 3/16" - 3/8" in diameter. Can also be used with Gallagher Ring Top Posts.

• Ideal for portable fences where more than one wire is required to hold stock
• Easy to install and adjust using locking tab
• Made from sunlight resistant plastic

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G65604 1 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G681034 6-44493-81034-2 20644493810346 Gallagher Multi-Post Wide Jaw Pinlock Insulator The Multi-Post Wide Jaw Pinlock Insulator is both durable and flexible. It can be used in a variety of ways - snap to t-posts, nail to wood posts or screw into vinyl posts.

• Made with UV-resistant polyethylene
• Easy-to-use pinlock allows for easy wire installation and removal under tension
• Wide jaw design is multi-conductor capable: Use with coated electric fence wire, rope, braid or high-tension wire
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G681034 10 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G681134 6-44493-81134-9 19414701681136 Gallagher Multi-Post Wide Jaw Pinlock Insulator The Multi-Post Wide Jaw Pinlock Insulator is both durable and flexible. It can be used in a variety of ways - snap to t-posts, nail to wood posts or screw into vinyl posts.

• Made with UV-resistant polyethylene
• Easy-to-use pinlock allows for easy wire installation and removal under tension
• Wide jaw design is multi-conductor capable: Use with coated electric fence wire, rope, braid or high-tension wire
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G681134 10 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G73104 6-44493-73104-3 19414701731046 Gallagher Std T-Post Claw Insulator Simple snap on design for common T-Post sizes. Large flange prevents arcing. Solid claw holds electric fence wire. Molded of high density polyethylene with UV inhibitors for all-weather performance. 3 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G73204 6-44493-73204-0 19414701732043 Gallagher Std T-Post 5” Claw Offset Insulator Simple snap on design for common T-Post sizes. Large flange prevents arcing. Solid claw holds electric fence wire. Molded of high density polyethylene with UV inhibitors for all-weather performance. This insulator's claws fit all common wire types. 3 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G73303 6-44493-73303-0 19414701733033 Gallagher Std Strain Insulator Gallagher's Standard Strain Insulator is molded of high density polyethylene to withstand the strain of wire on your electrified fences. The plastic contains UV inhibitors for all-weather performance. Large insulating shields. Approximately 66 lbs. max tension load. 3 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G73503 6-44493-73503-4 19414701734047 Gallagher Std Donut Insulator Gallagher's Standard Donut Insulators are frequently used at corners, dips and rises. Molded of high density polyethylene with UV inhibitors for all-weather performance. Attach them by tying to posts with wire or mount them on a lag screw. Wire can be run through the hole or on the outer groove of the insulator. 3 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G73404 6-44493-73404-4 19414701735037 Gallagher Std Rod Post Screw-on Insulator Fits a 3/8” post. Nut comes attached to insulator body to prevent lost parts. Installs without tools. Made of high density polyethylene with UV inhibitors. 3 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G73604 6-44493-73604-8 19414701736041 Gallagher Std Wood Post Nail-on Claw Insulator The Standard Nail-on Claw Insulator is designed for wood posts. Extends wire 1" from post. Flexible base fits round and flat sided posts. Single headed nails supplied, easily removed. Molded of high density polyethylene with UV inhibitors. 3 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G66704 6-44493-66704-5 19414701667048 Gallagher Std Wood Post Screw-in Ring Insulator Designed for use with wood posts. Angled slot for wire retention. Molded of high density polyethylene with UV inhibitors for all-weather performance. Extra insulating of flanges to prevent arching. See Drill Chuck (G71300) for assistance with screw-in ring insulators. 3 T-Post & Fiberglass Post Insulators G650134 6-44493-65013-9 19414701650132 Gallagher T-Post Pinlock Offset
Insulator - 5” Extra locking tab enables offset to fit all T-Posts from 1.25” to 1.5”. The pinlock allows for easy construction and wire removal. The wide jaw accommodates Equine Fence and braid products. 10 Offsets G650034 6-44493-65003-0 19414701650033 Gallagher T-Post Pinlock Offset
Insulator - 5” Extra locking tab enables offset to fit all T-Posts from 1.25” to 1.5”. The pinlock allows for easy construction and wire removal. The wide jaw accommodates Equine Fence and braid products. 10 Offsets G659054 6-44493-50659-7 10644493659054 Gallagher Wire Mount Pinlock Wire Offset 12" Wire mounted offsets will attach to any existing wire fence and come pre-assembled. 2 Offsets G659034 6-44493-65903-3 20644493659037 Gallagher Wire Mount Pinlock Wire Offset 12" (10 PK) Wire mounted offsets will attach to any existing wire fence and come pre-assembled. 2 Offsets G653054 6-44493-16530-5 N/A Gallagher Chain Link Offset with Porcelain Insulator 12" Electrify your chain link fence with this easy to install 12" offset mount complete with a porcelain round insulator. 2 Offsets G662054 6-44493-00662-2 N/A Gallagher 12" Post Mount Offset with Pinlock Insulator Offset Bracket for wooden posts with black pinlock insulator. 2 Offsets G664054 6-44493-50664-1 N/A Gallagher Wire Mount Offset with Porcelain Insulator 12" Fire-resistant offset bracket and porcelain insulator. 2 Offsets G665044 6-44493-25665-2 N/A Gallagher Pinlock Replacement for G659054 Black Pinlock replacement for G659054 black. 2 Offsets G660214 6-44493-66021-3 N/A Gallagher Side Mount Pigtail Offset Popular option for adding an electric wire to existing wood post fences. Use side mount option for standard height or top mount for a higher top wire placement (e.g. horses) and one or both sides of the post. 2 Offsets G610224 6-44493-10224-9 20644493102243 Gallagher Side Mount Pigtail Offset Popular option for adding an electric wire to existing wood post fences. Use side mount option for standard height or top mount for a higher top wire placement (e.g. horses) and one or both sides of the post. 2 Offsets G694134 6-44493-69413-3 20644493694137 Gallagher Multi-Post Pinlock 5" Offset Insulator This multi-purpose insulator is able to be attached to both sides of a steel post or nailed to a wooden post. It has a sturdy pinlock clip that allows for easy fence construction and wire removal.

• Made of high density, UV resistant polyethylene plastic
• Extends wire from post to keep animals away from fence
• Recommended for use on level ground
• Accommodates Equine Fence and braid products
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G694134 10 Offsets G694034 6-44493-69403-4 19414701694037 Gallagher Multi-Post Pinlock 5" Offset Insulator This multi-purpose insulator is able to be attached to both sides of a steel post or nailed to a wooden post. It has a sturdy pinlock clip that allows for easy fence construction and wire removal.

• Made of high density, UV resistant polyethylene plastic
• Extends wire from post to keep animals away from fence
• Recommended for use on level ground
• Accommodates Equine Fence and braid products
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G694034 10 Offsets G617034 6-44493-61703-3 19414701617036 Gallagher Wood Post Pinlock 5” Offset Insulator Sturdy pinlock for superior wire retention that allows for easy fence construction and wire removal. The wide jaw accommodates Equine Fence and braid products.

• Made of high-density, UV-resistant polyethylene plastic
• Recommended for use on level ground
• Extends wire from post to keep animals away from fence
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G617034 10 Offsets G617134 6-44493-61713-2 19414701617135 Gallagher Wood Post Pinlock 5” Offset Insulator Sturdy pinlock for superior wire retention that allows for easy fence construction and wire removal. The wide jaw accommodates Equine Fence and braid products.

• Made of high-density, UV-resistant polyethylene plastic
• Recommended for use on level ground
• Extends wire from post to keep animals away from fence
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G617134 10 Offsets G609024 6-44493-02609-5 N/A Gallagher Double Insulated Cable 165' 16 Gauge This double insulated cable has a resistance of 160 Ohms/mi. Sold in 165' roll. 10 Cable & Wire G627034 6-44493-07627-4 19414701627035 Gallagher Double Insulated Hard Cable 330' 12.5 Gauge Made of 12.5 gauge steel and is ideal for standard leadouts and undergate cabling. Tough polyethylene protection for abrasion resistance in the ground, ensuring long life and durability. Resistance of 56 ohms/mile. Diameter of 1/10". Sold in 330' roll. 10 Cable & Wire G627014 6-44493-08627-3 40644493086271 Gallagher Double Insulated Hard Cable 65' 12.5 Gauge Made of 12.5 gauge steel and is ideal for standard leadouts and undergate cabling. Tough polyethylene protection for abrasion resistance in the ground, ensuring long life and durability. Resistance of 56 ohms/mile. Diameter of 1/10". Sold in 65' roll. 10 Cable & Wire G62793 6-44493-62793-3 N/A Gallagher High Conductive Cable 330'   This 12.5 gauge aluminium coated cable is ideal for long distances underground, through buildings or where there are numerous gateways in the leadout system. Three times the conductivity of 12.5 gauge galvanized wire. 10 Cable & Wire A303 6-44012-00067-4 N/A Gallagher High-Tensile Wire .5 mile Engineered and manufactured especially for permanent fencing. This 12.5 gauge wire is much stronger than standard fence wire and class III galvanized for longer life. Max tensile strength of 170,000 PSI. 10 Cable & Wire AXL17250 6-44012-00001-8 N/A Gallagher Aluminum Wire  250' 17 Gauge Ideal for long leadout with very high powered energizers. Never rusts; a permanent solution even in harsh environments. Conducts electricity four times better than steel wire. Easy to re-spool and ideal for controlled grazing. 1/3 the weight of steel. 10 Cable & Wire AXL171320 6-44012-00002-5 N/A Gallagher Aluminum Wire  1,320' 17 Gauge Ideal for long leadout with very high powered energizers. Never rusts; a permanent solution even in harsh environments. Conducts electricity four times better than steel wire. Easy to re-spool and ideal for controlled grazing. 1/3 the weight of steel. 10 Cable & Wire AXL141320 6-44012-00003-2 N/A Gallagher Aluminum Wire  1,320' 14 Gauge Ideal for long leadout with very high powered energizers. Never rusts; a permanent solution even in harsh environments. Conducts electricity four times better than steel wire. Easy to re-spool and ideal for controlled grazing. 1/3 the weight of steel. 10 Cable & Wire AXL142640 6-44012-00004-9 N/A Gallagher Aluminum Wire  2,640' 14 Gauge Ideal for long leadout with very high powered energizers. Never rusts; a permanent solution even in harsh environments. Conducts electricity four times better than steel wire. Easy to re-spool and ideal for controlled grazing. 1/3 the weight of steel. 10 Cable & Wire AXL121320 6-44012-00005-6 80644012000052 Gallagher Aluminum Wire  1,320' 12.5 Gauge Ideal for long leadout with very high powered energizers. Never rusts; a permanent solution even in harsh environments. Conducts electricity four times better than steel wire. Easy to re-spool and ideal for controlled grazing. 1/3 the weight of steel. 10 Cable & Wire AXL124000 6-44012-00006-3 N/A Gallagher Aluminum Wire  4,000' 12.5 Gauge Ideal for long leadout with very high powered energizers. Never rusts; a permanent solution even in harsh environments. Conducts electricity four times better than steel wire. Easy to re-spool and ideal for controlled grazing. 1/3 the weight of steel. 10 Cable & Wire AC680 6-44012-00065-0 70644012000659 Gallagher 1.75” Barbed Staples 10 lb pail **FOB** 1.75” Barbed Staples 10 lb pail 1 Cable & Wire AC681 6-44012-00091-9 70644012000918 Gallagher 2” Barbed Staples 10 lb pail **FOB** 2” Barbed Staples 10 lb pail 1 Cable & Wire AC683 6-44012-00092-6 70644012000925 Gallagher 1.5” Barbed Staples 10 lb pail **FOB** 1.5” Barbed Staples 10 lb pail 1 Cable & Wire A800 7-43749-00010-7 N/A Gallagher FW3-4 Wire Splicing Sleeve (10-11 Gauge Smooth) Wire splicing sleeve for 14-15.5 gauge barbed or 10-11 gauge smooth. 1 Cable & Wire A401 7-43749-00011-4 N/A Gallagher FW4-5 Wire Splicing Sleeve (9 Gauge Smooth) Wire splicing sleeve for 12.5-13.5 gauge barbed wire and 9 gauge smooth wire. 1 Cable & Wire A802 7-43749-00009-1 N/A Gallagher FW2-3 Wire Slicing Sleeve (12.5 Gauge Smooth) Wire splicing sleeve for 12.5 gauge smooth. 1 Cable & Wire A405 7-43749-00012-1 N/A Gallagher FWT3-4 Line Tap (12.5 Gauge Smooth) Line Tap for 12.5 gauge smooth wire. 1 Cable & Wire A811 7-43749-00018-3 N/A Gallagher FWT4-5 Line Tap (12.5 Gauge Barbed) Use with 12.5 gauge barbed wire. 1 Cable & Wire G62004 6-44493-01621-8 40644493016216 Gallagher Poly Wire Reliable, cost effective wire for controlling animals behind shorter portable electric fences under a 1/4 mile. 6 stainless steel strands work to deliver great conductivity throughout the wire.

• Tape width is 1/16"
• Made from UV resistant materials
• Resistance: * 6000 Ohms/km or 9656 Ohms/mile *Resistance refers to the conductivity of the product. Low resistance (i.e. 110 Ohms/km) means higher conductivity (less resistance to the electric pulse means it can travel further down the fence line)

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G62004 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G620300 6-44012-00089-6 40644012000894 Gallagher Poly Wire Combo Roll Reliable, cost effective wire for controlling animals behind shorter portable electric fences under a 1/4 mile. 6 stainless steel strands work to deliver great conductivity throughout the wire.

• Tape width is 1/16"
• Made from UV resistant materials
• Resistance: * 6000 Ohms/km or 9656 Ohms/mile *Resistance refers to the conductivity of the product. Low resistance (i.e. 110 Ohms/km) means higher conductivity (less resistance to the electric pulse means it can travel further down the fence line)

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G620300 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G62089 6-44012-00011-7 40644012000115 Gallagher Turbo Wire 2,624’ Made from 9 mixed metal strands, Gallagher's Turbo Wire has 40 times more conductivity than Poly Wire and is best suited for distances beyond 1/4 mile where extreme power is required.

• Resistance: 130 Ohms/km - Resistance refers to the conductivity of the product. Low resistance (i.e. 110 Ohms/km) means higher conductivity (less resistance to the electric pulse means it can travel further down the fence line)
• Ultra-white color makes it highly visible to both people and animals
• Wire width is 3/32"
• Ideal for use in windy conditions
• Created to last from UV resistant materials

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G62089 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G620564 6-44493-02620-0 40644493026208 Gallagher Turbo Wire Combo Roll Made from 9 mixed metal strands, Gallagher's Turbo Wire has 40 times more conductivity than Poly Wire and is best suited for distances beyond 1/4 mile where extreme power is required.

• Resistance: 130 Ohms/km - Resistance refers to the conductivity of the product. Low resistance (i.e. 110 Ohms/km) means higher conductivity (less resistance to the electric pulse means it can travel further down the fence line)
• Ultra-white color makes it highly visible to both people and animals
• Wire width is 3/32"
• Ideal for use in windy conditions
• Created to last from UV resistant materials

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G620564 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G62054 6-44493-02621-7 40644493026215 Gallagher Turbo Wire 656’ Made from 9 mixed metals best suited to distances more than 1/4 mile, where extreme power is required. 40 times more conductive than standard Poly Wire. Created to last from UV resistant materials. Ultra-white color makes it highly visible to both people and animals. Wire width is 3/32". Sold in a 656' roll. 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G62174 6-44493-06210-9 40644493062107 Gallagher Turbo Braid 656’ Contains 9 mixed metals best suited for any distance temporary or permanent fence. Features unique 1/4" braided construction for long life. Excellent for horse fencing - visible and safe. 19 times more conductive than standard Poly Wire. Sold in a 656' roll. 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G62176 6-44493-06211-6 19414701062119 Gallagher Turbo Braid 1,312’ Contains 9 mixed metals best suited for any distance temporary or permanent fence. Features unique 1/4" braided construction for long life. Excellent for horse fencing - visible and safe. 19 times more conductive than standard Poly Wire. Sold in a 1,312' roll. 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G621774 6-44493-21774-5 19414701621774 Gallagher Turbo Braid 1,312’ GRN Contains 9 mixed metals best suited for any distance temporary or permanent fence. Features unique 1/4" braided construction for long life. Excellent for horse fencing - visible and safe. 19 times more conductive than standard Poly Wire. Sold in a 1,312' roll. 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G62148 6-44493-62148-1 19414701621484 Gallagher Turbo Braid Combo Roll (7/64") Made from 9 mixed metal, braided strands of highly conductive materials, Gallagher's Turbo Braid has 48 times more conductivity than other regular poly braids.

• Wire width is 7/64"
• Made from UV resistant materials to fend off damage from the sun
• Superior heavy-duty strength
• Highly visible white/blue braid is also easy to rewind

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G62148 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G62314 6-44493-00623-3 10644493006230 Gallagher Poly Tape Orange 656’ High visibility 1/2" orange tape for portable electric fencing. Provides reliable animal control on shorter fence lines. Contains 5 stainless steel strands for good conductivity. Sold in a 656' roll. 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G62304 6-44493-02623-1 40644493026239 Gallagher Poly Tape White 656’ 1/2" tape provides reliable animal control on shorter fence lines. Great for portable electric fencing. Contains 5 stainless steel strands for good conductivity. Made from hard wearing UV resistant materials. Sold in a 656' roll. 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G624044 6-44493-24044-6 40644493240444 Gallagher Poly Tape White/Green Stripe 656’ (1 1/2”, 38MM)                     High visibility 1 1/2" tape for shorter portable fences and semi-permanent horse fences. Contains 15 Stainless steel strands for good conductivity. Sold in a 656' roll. 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G62354 6-44493-07623-6 40644493076234 Gallagher Turbo Tape 656’ High visibility 1/2" tape with turbo conductivity for portable electric fences. Provide superior, long life animal control. Heavy duty braid with mixed metals (3 stainless steel and 2 copper strands) for turbo conductivity. Patented weave design relinks broken wires and prevents power loss. Superior shock conductivity 34 times that of standard Poly Tape. Sold in a 656' roll. 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G62356 6-44493-08623-5 19414701086238 Gallagher Turbo Tape 1,312’ High visibility 1/2" tape with turbo conductivity for portable electric fences. Provide superior, long life animal control. Heavy duty braid with mixed metals (3 stainless steel and 2 copper strands) for turbo conductivity. Patented weave design relinks broken wires and prevents power loss. Superior shock conductivity 34 times that of standard Poly Tape. Sold in a 1,312' roll. 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G624544 6-44493-01624-9 19414701624546 Gallagher Turbo Tape 656’ (1 1/2”, 40MM) High visibility 1 1/2" tape with turbo conductivity for portable electric fences, providing superior, long life animal control. Heavy duty braid with mixed metals (11 stainless steel and 4 copper strands) for turbo conductivity. Patented weave design relinks broken wires and prevents power loss. Sold in a 656' roll. 1 Wire, Braid & Tape G912064 6-44493-12064-9 N/A Gallagher Equine Fence Wire The safe, effective and highly visible electric fence solution for horses. Large diameter smooth coating minimizes risk of injury to animal. Comes in 1000' roll. 10 Wire, Braid & Tape G63150 6-44493-01631-7 N/A Gallagher Large Geared Reel Larger capacity for bigger paddocks. Approx. capacity: .74 mile Poly Wire, .62 mile Turbo Wire or .25 mile Tape. Can be attached to galvanized Reel Stand (G63300). 1 Reels G61150 6-44493-06113-3 30644493061134 Gallagher Geared Reel The Geared Reel offers efficiency and safety paired together. The carry handle with knuckle guard offers protection for hands and the transport lock allows it to securely attach to an ATV or fence wire.

• Most popular option for fast wind in and out (3:1 gear ratio) on standard length portable fences
• Long crank arm for better leverage
• Wire loop for connecting power to wire/tape
• Fully galvanized frame and white high impact hub for durability in tough farming/ranching conditions
• Heavy duty gear box for long life
• Holds 1640ft (500m) Poly Wire, 1312ft (400m) Turbo Wire, 656ft (200m) Poly Tape or Turbo Tape

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G61150 1 Reels G61100 6-44493-06111-9 N/A Gallagher Standard Reel Lightweight & strong, for use on shorter, less frequently moved portable fences. Approx. capacity: .31 mile Poly Wire .25 mile Turbo Wire or .05 mile Tape. Can be attached to galvanized Reel Stand (G63300). 1 Reels G61600 6-44493-04616-1 30644493046162 Gallagher Economy Reel ​Ideal for use on shorter, less frequently moved fences. Durable zinc coated frame and UV resistant hub designed with the elements in mind. Easy to maintain reversible and replaceable hub. Conveniently hooks directly to fence or reel stand. 1640' Poly Wire or 1312' Turbo Wire capacity. 1 Reels G63030 6-44493-01630-0 30644493016301 Gallagher Small Reel Ideal for small amounts of Poly Wire (.124), Turbo Wire (.09 mile) or Turbo Braid (.03 mile) such as camp corrals. 1 Reels G63300 6-44493-00633-2 N/A Gallagher Reel Stand Rust resistant steel, tread-in post for holding up to 3 reels for strip grazing and temporary fencing. Includes chain for securing to a post. 1 Reels G61200 9-41470-161200-3 19414701612000 Gallagher Reel Guide Reel guide replacement, for tangle free operation. 1 Reels G634004 6-44493-01634-8 30644493016349 Gallagher Electric Fence Jumper Lead with HD Clamps UV resistant leads connect a portable fence to a permanent fence. 1 Reels G74213 6-44493-74213-1 N/A Gallagher Insulated Line Post 47" Insulated Line Posts are lightweight, composite posts featuring a strong yet flexible solid fiberglass core in a UV-protected polyethylene sheath. Pre-formed wire attachment locations enable many different fence configurations. Wires simply snap onto the post with the Insulated Line Post Clips, sold separately.

• Flexible posts - The strong yet flexible solid fiberglass core enables the post to flex when the fence is impacted, preventing broken or bent posts and minimizing animal injury
• The multi-flanged foot design ensures strong ground anchoring, reducing the likelihood of post heave or post misalignment over time
• 47" post is 63" overall
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G74213 10 Permanent Posts G74223 6-44493-74223-0 N/A Gallagher Insulated Line Post 55 1/2" Insulated Line Posts are lightweight, composite posts featuring a strong yet flexible solid fiberglass core in a UV-protected polyethylene sheath. Pre-formed wire attachment locations enable many different fence configurations. Wires simply snap onto the post with the Insulated Line Post Clips, sold separately.

• Flexible posts - The strong yet flexible solid fiberglass core enables the post to flex when the fence is impacted, preventing broken or bent posts and minimizing animal injury
• The multi-flanged foot design ensures strong ground anchoring, reducing the likelihood of post heave or post misalignment over time
• 55.5" post is 75" overall
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G74223 10 Permanent Posts G74434 6-444937-4434-0 19414701744343 Gallagher Insulated Line Post Clip A super strong, snap-on clip with 352 lbs holding force, for use with the Gallagher Insulated Line Post.

• Easy to install, no tools required
• Glass-filled nylon snap-on clips form a reliable connection to the post
• 10-year warranty

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G74434 10 Permanent Posts G74703 6-44493-74703-7 19414701747030 Gallagher Insulated Line Post 1 1/2” Tape Clip 1 1/2" Tape Clip, designed specifically for equine electric fence tape to be securely attached to a Gallagher Insulated Line Post.

• Clips have positive locking and quick release to enable re-tensioning of tape
• Soft rubber pads lock tape in place to prevent tape movement and fraying
• Made from UV High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) for strength and long life

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G74703 10 Permanent Posts G52501 6-44493-52501-7 9414701525013 Gallagher Insulated Line Post Driver Designed specifically to drive the Gallagher Insulated Line Posts into the ground.

• Helps reduce fence construction time
• 36" long x 2" diameter

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G52501 1 Permanent Posts G54301 6-44493-54301-1 9414701543017 Gallagher Insulated Line Post Pressure Plate Prevents Insulated Line Post from sinking on hills due to fence tension on abrupt rises. Great for wet ground. 1 Permanent Posts G53002 6-44493-53002-8 9414701530024 Gallagher Insulated Line Post Sleeve To be used in conjunction with the Gallagher Insulated Line Post Driver to prevent flex when driving Gallagher Insulated Line Posts into hard ground.

• 45" long x 1 7/16" diameter

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G53002 1 Permanent Posts G52701 6-44493-52701-1 9414701527017 Gallagher Insulated Line Post Lifter Attachment Attaches to most Steel Post Pullers/Lifters to safely pull out the Insulated Line Post from the ground. 1 Permanent Posts AFRP48 6-44012-00124-4 N/A Gallagher 7/8" Fiberglass Rod Posts - 48" Use where a permanent fence post is required. Often used in feedlots or near buildings where animals may be pushed into the fence. These posts are pre-drilled every 2” for convenient wire spacings with exception of bottom 18” on FRP60, FRP66 and FRP72. 2 Permanent Posts AFRP60 6-44012-00125-1 N/A Gallagher 7/8" Fiberglass Rod Posts - 60" Use where a permanent fence post is required. Often used in feedlots or near buildings where animals may be pushed into the fence. These posts are pre-drilled every 2” for convenient wire spacings with exception of bottom 18” on FRP60, FRP66 and FRP72. 2 Permanent Posts AFRP66 6-44012-00126-8 N/A Gallagher 7/8" Fiberglass Rod Posts - 66" Use where a permanent fence post is required. Often used in feedlots or near buildings where animals may be pushed into the fence. These posts are pre-drilled every 2” for convenient wire spacings with exception of bottom 18” on FRP60, FRP66 and FRP72. 2 Permanent Posts AFRP72 6-44012-00127-5 N/A Gallagher 7/8" Fiberglass Rod Posts - 72" Use where a permanent fence post is required. Often used in feedlots or near buildings where animals may be pushed into the fence. These posts are pre-drilled every 2” for convenient wire spacings with exception of bottom 18” on FRP60, FRP66 and FRP72. 2 Permanent Posts G704004 6-44493-00704-2 19414701704002 Gallagher Fiberglass Post Clips Made of galvanized, mild steel. Fast and easy design to use. 2 Permanent Posts G70200 6-44493-99702-9 19414701702008 Gallagher Fiberglass Stay Clip Made of galvanized mild steel. The tight tie prevents slipping. 2 Permanent Posts G63800 6-44493-05638-2 N/A Gallagher Tumblewheel  Enables you to quickly and easily roll a fence line to a new position. The Tumblewheel’s unique center hub maintains power while the fence is being moved. It can also be used on flat, very hard and frozen ground. 1 Temporary/Portable Posts G72413 6-44493-72410-6 30644493724502 Gallagher Tread-in Plastic Double Foot Post This very sturdy and durable plastic post is 39" in length with 9 numbered lugs designed for virtually all animal types. These posts work well for all Turbo, Polywire and Tape up to .5". The unique twist 'n lock system guarantees a simple and secure attachment. 1 Temporary/Portable Posts G636054 6-44493-00636-3 N/A Gallagher Heavy Duty Treadin Post - White UV stabilized plastic treadins with up to 9 lugs for positioning wires and tape. 42” high (including spike). 1 Temporary/Portable Posts G63655 6-44493-63655-3 30644493636554 Gallagher Heavy Duty Treadin Post - Orange UV stabilized plastic treadins with up to 9 lugs for positioning wires and tape. 42” high (including spike). 1 Temporary/Portable Posts G64245 6-44493-64245-5 60644493642457 Gallagher Heavy Duty Pigtail Treadin Post  Ideal for hard ground. 42” (including spike). Crimped foot to ensure shaft strength. Quality, UV protected plastic for effective insulation and protection from shocks. 1 Temporary/Portable Posts G64219 6-44493-64219-6 10644493642506 Gallagher Standard Pigtail Treadin Post Gallagher's Standard Pigtail is ideal for soft ground. The post has a welded foot design that reduces tangling. Quality, UV protected plastic for effective insulation and protection from shocks. Welded, long pointed foot design reduces tangling and makes installation easy. 1 Temporary/Portable Posts G72315 6-44493-72310-9 644493723154 Gallagher Ring Top Post  With a head that will not wear through, a super strong foot plate that will not bend under pressure and a sleek design that significantly reduces tangling, the Ring Top Post combines more strength with less frustration.

• Significantly reduces tangling. The unique head is centered over the shaft with no protrusions or trapping points
• Strong shaft and shock prevention - the long insulation sections strengthen the shaft and provide insulation when handling
• Over-molded nylon foot will not bend and deform when pressing into the ground

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G72315 1 Temporary/Portable Posts G57110 6-44493-57110-6 19414701571109 Gallagher Solar Post Mount Install the S10 or S16 Energizer on a Gallagher Ring Top Post using the Solar Post Mount.

• Quick to install
• Easy to use and ideal for portable setups

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G57110 1 Temporary/Portable Posts A635 6-44012-00041-4 N/A Gallagher Fiberglass Rod Post Made of highly visible white fiberglass. Ideal for backyard gardens. 3/8" x 48". 20 per bundle. 2 Temporary/Portable Posts A636 6-44012-00108-4 N/A Gallagher Spring Grip Post Clip Clip for secure attachment to .375” fiberglass post. 2 Temporary/Portable Posts G639304 6-44493-00639-4 20644493006398 Gallagher Heavy Duty Gate Handle Flat hook for maximum electrification and extra safe handle which pulls out on impact. Heavy duty tension spring. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G689404 6-44493-68940-5 10644493689402 Gallagher Gate Handle Highly visible green insulated handle. Large shield on handle to protect from shocks. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G691104 6-44493-69110-1 20644493691105 Gallagher Small Gate Handle Insulated white gate handle with large protective shields to protect from shocks. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G69703 6-44493-69703-5 N/A Gallagher Rubber Grip Gate Handle (Wire/Rope) Premium gate handle with comfortable rubber grip handle and unique internal overstretch protection. Ideal for rope, braid or poly/turbo wire gate configurations.

• Large shields for added shock protection
• Manufactured with UV stabilized plastic

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G69703 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G69603 6-44493-69603-8 N/A Gallagher Rubber Grip Gate Handle (Tape) Premium gate handle with comfortable rubber grip handle and unique internal overstretch protection. Ideal for tape gate configurations.

• Large shields for added shock protection
• Manufactured with UV stabilized plastic

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G69603 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G73730 6-44493-73733-5 19414701737307 Gallagher Insulated Handle Using the innovative Ring Top Post design this handle will stay connected to the fence and can be easily retrieved through pasture, overcoming common portable fencing frustrations. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G73830 6-44493-73833-2 19414701738304 Gallagher Dual Purpose Handle The new Dual Purpose Handle provides the flexibility to liven the fence from either the reel or handle end.

• Use for change of direction in permanent fences
• Hand grips indicate where to grab to avoid getting a shock
• Made with durable UV resistant plastic
• “Ring Top” design connection hook ensures that the handle will not bounce off the fence wire
• Ideally paired with Gallagher Geared Reels

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G73830 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G606304 6-44493-10606-3 20644493106067 Gallagher Insulgrip Insulated hook handle for quick and secure attachment of portable fences. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G64010 6-44493-01640-9 20644493016403 Gallagher Electric High Visibility Spring Gate Pre-assembled high visibility spring gate suited for up to 16.5' wide gateways. Longer life design as spring doesn’t touch the ground when gate is open. Kit includes: Insulated Gate handle, Galvanized Spring, Pinlock Insulator and 3 Way Gate Anchor. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G640504 6-44493-64050-5 20644493640509 Gallagher Electric Bungy Gate     Highly visible shock cord that stretches from 11.5’ up to 23’. Handy 3-Way Gate Anchor allows for additional, secure gate connections. Made with 4 stainless steel strands for maximum life and electrification affect. Includes high visiblity gate handle with large shields. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G64100 6-44493-00641-7 19414701006410 Gallagher Electric Tape Gate White 1.5” tape and insulated gate handle for high visibility. Gate width is up to 16.5’. Includes stainless steel tape joiners. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G649114 6-44493-64911-9 20644493649113 Gallagher Multi Post 3-Way Gate Anchor Super strong live anchor for up to three gates coming to a junction. Ideal for use in gateway systems at the intersection of multiple paddocks. Galvanized steel plate for long life. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories F0202U 6-44493-01202-9 45644493012022 Gallagher Standard Latch Includes two staples and a 14” chain that is easy to attach and can be padlocked. Made from silver zinc passivate material. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories F0125U 6-44493-01125-1 N/A Gallagher Standard Hinge Strap Zinc coated hinge strap that measures .625” x 12”. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories F0132U 6-44493-01132-9 N/A Gallagher Heavy Duty Hinge Strap Zinc coated hinge strap that measures .75” x 15”. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories F0023U 6-44493-01023-0 N/A Gallagher Through-Post Gate Hanger 10" This zinc coated long pin (B) makes gate hanging easier by allowing the gate to slide down the long pin before engaging a short bottom pin. The long pin can be padlocked. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories F0029U 6-44493-01029-2 N/A Gallagher Through-Post Gate Hanger 14" This zinc coated long pin (B) makes gate hanging easier by allowing the gate to slide down the long pin before engaging a short bottom pin. The long pin can be padlocked. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories F0042U 6-44493-01042-1 N/A Gallagher Lock Through-Post Gate Hanger 10" This zinc coated locking arm prevents the gate hanger from turning in the post. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories F0046U 6-44493-01046-9 N/A Gallagher Lock Through-Post Gate Hanger 14" This zinc coated locking arm prevents the gate hanger from turning in the post. 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G71804 6-44493-71804-4 19414701718047 Gallagher Multi-Strand Electric Tape Gate All-in-one multi-strand electrification gate. Quick and easy to install from one wood post to another. Highly flexible gate width, perfect for whatever space you need.

• Flexible gate width – up to 20'. Comes with tape and clips
• Easy to repair. If one strand breaks, simply change out the tape
• Compact and easy to transport
• Safe electrification - a live hook provides power to the gate when closed and disconnects power when opened

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G71804 1 Gate Kits and Gate Accessories G70000 6-44493-70000-1 N/A Gallagher Smart Fence The Smart Fence is a 4-wire completely portable, instant electric fence that is easy to set up. It combines posts, reels and poly wire into one convenient system. Just place end post in the ground and the four wires unreel simultaneously as you place each remaining post, allowing you to quickly create a portable corral or safe roadside grazing area to fence off hay bales or divide pastures for more efficient grazing.

• 4-line system (using poly wire lines) reaching 328’ in length and the top wire height is 42”
• May be attached to permanent fence or to another Smart Fence System
• Easy to carry and store
• Compatible with Gallagher Energizers
• Fence energizer and ground rods not included

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G70000 1 Netting & Electric Fence Kits A201000 6-44012-00090-2 N/A Gallagher ElectroNet A prefabricated fence that has 9 horizontal twines (8 conductive); is 35" tall installed and has large white plastic vertical struts every 12". White PVC posts are built into the mesh every 12.5'. When energized, it is nearly an impenetrable mesh to sheep, goats, coyotes and dogs. 1 Netting & Electric Fence Kits A201200 N/A N/A Gallagher Pos/Neg ElectroNet • 35” Tall prefab fence with vertical struts every 12”• 164’ long• For dry areas; good for sheep, goats and cattle 1 Netting & Electric Fence Kits A207015 6-44012-00095-7  N/A Gallagher Poultry Netting This Poultry Netting is a 48” electrifiable prefabricated fence with 12 horizontal lines and is 164' long. Just attach a fence energizer and it's ready to keep poultry in and their predators out. 1 Netting & Electric Fence Kits A155 6-44012-00043-8 N/A Gallagher Horse Corral Kit A light weight (16 lb), complete in a bag kit for a 40’ square corral. Quick and easy to assemble. Great for pack trips, horse shows or any event requiring a temporary enclosure. • 1 B11 Energizer• 1 Insul-Grip Gate Handle• 1 Turbo Braid Spool• 1 Ground Rod• 10 Pigtail Posts 2 Netting & Electric Fence Kits A600 6-44012-00115-2 N/A Gallagher Garden & Backyard Protection Kit This kit is an easy do-it-yourself electric fence that fences a 50’ x 50’ area with three adjustable wires. It is a perfect fit for a residential consumer that is interested in an easy and affordable way to protect their garden, landscape or new plantings. Essentially tool-free and can be installed in 1 hour or less. Energizer operates on common ‘D’ cell batteries - no electric outlet or extension cord is used. • 8 - 48” x 3/8” Fiberglass Posts• 2 Bags 3/8” Clips• 1 Poly Wire 656’• 1 - 3’ Ground Rod• 1 B10 Energizer 2 Netting & Electric Fence Kits A644 6-44012-00087-2 50644012000877 Gallagher In Line Wire Tightener Handle Tightener handle for Gallagher in-line wire strainers (G64304). Use to tighten or loosen wire tighteners. Zinc-plated for long life. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories G645004 6-44493-00645-5 19414701645008 Gallagher Ratchet Wire Tightening Tool In line wire tightener handle with super smooth ratchet action, to be used with Gallagher in-line wire strainers (G64304). 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories G69530 6-44012-00020-9 50644012000204 Gallagher Strainer Handle Spring loaded ratchet strainer handle for quick adjustment of wire strainers (fits most varieties of ratchet strainers). Self-ratcheting makes it easy and fast to use. Gold-passivated. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories G65203 6-44493-10652-0 19414701106526 Gallagher Tape Joiner Tidy, secure mechanical and electric connection for 1 1/2" horse tape fences. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories AXLT8 6-44012-00016-2 N/A Gallagher Poly/Turbo Wire Tensioner Holds Poly Wire, Turbo Wire, 1/2” Poly Tape, 1/2” Turbo Tape and Turbo Braid. High impact, UV-resistant plastic. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories A609 6-44012-00074-2 N/A Gallagher 4 Groove Wire Splice Tool 20” Long 4-groove, robust tool for crimping wire joiners and splicing wire. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories A609A 6-44012-00075-9 N/A Gallagher 2 Groove Wire Splice Tool 2 Groove, robust, tool for crimping wire joiners and splicing wire. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories G524 6-44012-00073-5 70644012000734 Gallagher High Tensile Wire Cutter ​​9" Wire Cutter for high tensile 12.5 guage. Safety latch. Not recommended to twist while cutting due to potential jaw damage. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories G52200 6-44493-00522-9 19414701005222 Gallagher Fencing Pliers and Wire Cutter Specifically designed for cutting, stripping and bending electric fence wire with minimum wire damage. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories G523004 6-44493-00523-6 70644493005235 Gallagher 3-Hole Wire Twisting Tool Designed for twisting high tensile wire, making it ideal for installing clips on posts and droppers. Galvanized for long life. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories A304 6-44012-00017-9 N/A Gallagher Wire Payout Spinner  Adjustable break keeps wire from over-winding. Handles 4,000' and 2,640' spool of hi-tensile wire or 1,000' of EquiFence. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories A305 6-44012-00030-8 N/A Gallagher Spinning Jenny Accommodates up to a 100 lb. roll of wire. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories A308 6-44012-00071-1 N/A Gallagher Payout Spinner for Wooden Spool A necessity for building permanent fence. The adjustable break keeps wire from overwinding and it attaches to a 2" receiver. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories A309 6-44012-00080-3 N/A Gallagher HD Spinning Jenny Heavy duty Spinning Jenny accommodates all standard wire sizes. Adjustable break keeps wire from overwinding. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories G71300 6-44493-71300-1 N/A Gallagher Drill Chuck Drill chuck for #G66604 Screw-In Ring Insulators. 1 Fence Tools & Fence Accessories G01901 6-44493-01901-1 19414701019014 Gallagher TSi 2 Livestock Manager An animal weighing and data collection system for improved livestock management and performance. The TSi 2 provides immediate access to detailed animal information, anywhere, at any time - in the sale barn, the office or on the ranch. Designed for use with loadbars (sold separately) to create a livestock scale system. 1 Weighing & Data Collection G02606 6-44493-02606-4 N/A Gallagher TWR-5 Livestock Weigh Scale & Data Collector The TWR-5 is the next generation of the Touch Weigh Scale (TW)- family of Weigh Scale and Data Collectors and includes a fully integrated EID reader. In addition, the TWR-5 supports the simultaneous recording of up to 9 traits and life data recording.

• Integrated EID reader for hands-free EID reading
• ​​Market leading touch screen technology– Bright, high clarity, outdoor readable touch screen. Large 7” screen is easily read in direct sunlight
• Simple to use- Extremely intuitive, easy to use interface
• On board help, 24/7- The entire product manual is loaded into the product. No matter where you are, or what you are trying to do help is only one click away
• Record weight, life data and traits- Ideally suited to farmers wanting to record and review more information than simply weight on their animals. Can record up to 9 traits per session
• Record treatments on the spot- Animals can weighed and administered the correct dose rate and this information can be recorded on the weigh scale at the time of treatment
• Draft by weight or recorded data- You can now draft on recorded animal data for example pregnancy scan in sheep, wet/dry in cattle or by owner in the case of a feeder with animals from multiple owners
• Animal data analysis on device- Shows individual weight gain graphs and weight distribution plots for all animals in a weighing session
• Tough, rugged exterior- work ready design, and toughened, scratch proof glass screen makes it suitable for all environments
• Flexible mounting options -Easy to use sitting flat, or mounted vertically. The adjustable mounting bracket provides tailored viewing angles for optimum visibility
• Flexible connectivity options- Whether connecting to drafters or readers via a serial cable, to a PC via USB or utilizing the Bluetooth and WiFi wireless options, the TWR-5 has every option available. It includes the option to connect two independent data devices directly
• Complete package- includes tough and convenient Gallagher carry case, mounting bracket, micro-fiber screen cloth, battery charging cable, 110v charging cable, USB drive loaded with APS software, USB cable for data transfer to PC 1 Weighing & Data Collection G02603 6-44493-02603-3 N/A Gallagher TW-3 Livestock Weigh Scale & Data Collector Gallagher’s TW-3 scale indicator and data collector/manager displays reliable, accurate weights quickly. The innovative touch screen is easily viewed in the brightest sunlight, combines ease of use with enhanced data collection and EID compatibility using a full QWERTY keyboard.

Major enhancements to this indicator include built-in Bluetooth and Wi-fi, set alerts with animal notes, ability to record treatments on the spot, calculation of average daily gain and display of live weight gain since the previous sessions.

Designed for use with loadbars (sold separately) to create a livestock scale system.

• Market-leading touch screen technology – Bright, high clarity, outdoor readable touch screen. Large 7” screen is easily read in direct sunlight
• Simple to use - Extremely intuitive interface
• 24/7 Support - The entire product manual is loaded into the product. No matter where you are or what you are trying to do, help is only one click away
• Record weight, life data and traits - Ideally suited to farmers wanting to record and review more information than simply weight on their animals. Can record up to 3 traits per session
• Record treatments on the spot - Animals can be weighed and administered the correct dose rate and this information can be recorded on the weigh scale at the time of treatment
• Draft by weight or recorded data - You can now draft on recorded animal data, for example pregnancy scan in sheep, wet/dry in cattle, or by owner in the case of a feeder with animals from multiple owners
• Animal data analysis on device - Shows individual weight gain graphs and weight distribution plots for all animals in a weighing session
• Tough, rugged exterior – Work-ready design, and toughened, scratch-proof glass screen makes it suitable for all environments
• Flexible mounting options - Easy to use sitting flat, or mounted vertically. The adjustable mounting bracket provides tailored viewing angles for optimum visibility
• Flexible connectivity options - Whether connecting to drafters or readers via a serial cable, to a PC via USB or utilizing the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless options, the TW-3 has every option available
• Complete package - Includes tough Gallagher carry case, mounting bracket, micro-fiber screen cloth, battery charging cable, 110v charging cable, USB drive loaded with APS software and USB cable for data transfer to PC

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G02603 1 Weighing & Data Collection G02601 6-44493-02601-9 N/A Gallagher TW-1 Livestock Weigh Scale & Data Collector The tough, rugged exterior and scratch proof glass make Gallagher’s TW-1 scale indicator and data collector/manager suitable for all working conditions. The innovative touch screen is easily viewed in the brightest sunlight and combines ease of use with enhanced data collection.

Designed for use with loadbars (sold separately) to create a livestock scale system.

• Market-leading touch screen technology – Bright, high clarity, outdoor readable touch screen. Large 7” screen is easily read in direct sunlight
• Simple to use - Extremely intuitive interface
• 24/7 Support - The entire product manual is loaded into the product. No matter where you are or what you are trying to do, help is only one click away
• Animal notes and alerts- Record notes against animals on the spot for later review and stop any action until acknowledged by the operator
• Animal data analysis on device - Shows individual weight gain graphs and weight distribution plots for all animals in a weighing session
• Flexible mounting options - Easy to use sitting flat, or mounted vertically. The adjustable mounting bracket provides tailored viewing angles for optimum visibility
• Flexible connectivity options - Whether connecting to drafters or readers via a serial cable, to a PC via USB or utilizing the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless options, the TW-1 has every option available
• Complete package - Includes tough Gallagher carry case, mounting bracket, micro-fiber screen cloth, battery charging cable, 110v charging cable, USB drive loaded with APS software and USB cable for data transfer to PC

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G02601 1 Weighing & Data Collection AG210 6-44012-00114-5 N/A Gallagher W210 Livestock Scale Package Get it all in one package deal. The Gallagher W210 Livestock Scale Package sets up easily for a variety of animal weighing applications up to 4400 lbs. Includes two Gallagher G06000 Alleyway LoadBars, the W210 indicator and 18' polyurethane cable.

• Loadbars are steel construction with slotted top mounting holes
• Fully water resistant
• Loadbars measure 3" high x 4" wide x 23" long. Footings measure 5.91" wide.
• The Gallagher W210 Indicator adjusts easily between automatic, manual and fine weighing modes
• Simple to use with large rotary selector knob and large push buttons are labeled for easy selection
• Internal rechargeable battery with charge indicator and low voltage shutdown
• Tough, waterproof case on W210 indicator

Manufacturer's Part Number: # AG210 1 Weighing & Data Collection G012504 6-44493-01250-0 N/A Gallagher W210 Livestock Weigh Scale Make weigh-in easy with the Gallagher W210. Offers three weighing modes for quick and easy display of animal weights. Compatible with Gallagher and most other loadbars (sold separately) to create a livestock scale system.

• Adjusts easily between automatic, manual and fine weighing modes
• Large and easy to read display with large labeled push buttons
• Simple to use with large rotary selector knob
• Internal rechargeable battery with charge indicator and low voltage shutdown
• Continue weighing sessions while charging with the AC adapter or external battery
• Extra protection and transportation - tough shock and waterproof case

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G012504 1 Weighing & Data Collection G01021 6-44493-01021-6 N/A Gallagher W110 Livestock Weigh Scale & Loadbars Gallagher's entry level weigh system is made for the easy collection of livestock weights & general-purpose weighing. Loadbars are pre-calibrated to the intuitive, modern design indicator. Plug and go system allows portability when needed as well as ease of use.

• 3,300 lbs weighing capacity
• Loadbars are 23" long
• Galvanized steel chassis construction fits most platform sizes
• Includes the W110 indicator, two 23" long galvanized steel loadbars, and durable, protected 177" cables. Powered by 4 AA batteries (not included)

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G01021 1 Weighing & Data Collection G06000 6-44493-06000-6 N/A Gallagher Alleyway Loadbars Gallagher Alleyway Loadbars are portable and set up easily under an alleyway, platform or cage. Can be used to weigh livestock of any size. Must be paired with an indicator (sold separately) to display weights.

• 4,400 lbs weighing capacity
• Loadbars are 3" high x 4" wide x 23" long. Footings measure 5.91" wide.
• Steel construction with slotted top mounting holes
• Includes two loadbars and 18' polyurethane cable
• Bottom feet mounting holes extend beyond top covers for ease of bolting down
• Fully water-resistant with moisture-proof connectors

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G06000 2 Weighing & Data Collection G06300 6-44493-06304-5 N/A Gallagher Heavy-Duty Manual Squeeze Chute Loadbars Heavy-Duty Manual Squeeze Chute Loadbars are designed for permanent installation under a manual cattle squeeze chute. High capacity load cells are specifically oriented to absorb the shock of an animal hitting the head gate. Must be paired with an indicator (sold separately) to display weights.

• 7,700 lbs weighing capacity
• Loadbars are 3.74" high x 4" wide x 39" long. Footings measure 8.27" wide.
• Heavy duty steel chassis construction
• Includes two loadbars and 18' polyurethane cable
• Bottom feet mounting holes extend beyond top covers for ease of bolting down
• Fully water-resistant with moisture-proof connectors

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G06300 2 Weighing & Data Collection G06400 6-44493-06404-2 N/A Gallagher Super Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Squeeze Chute Loadbars Gallagher's Super Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Squeeze Chute Loadbars are specifically designed for permanent installation under a hydraulic cattle squeeze chute. High capacity load cells are able to withstand large shock loads. Must be paired with an indicator (sold separately) to display weights.

• 9,900 lbs weighing capacity
• Loadbars are 3.74" high x 4" wide x 39" long. Footings measure 8.27" wide.
• Super heavy-duty steel chassis construction
• Includes two loadbars and 18' polyurethane cable
• Bottom feet mounting holes extend beyond top covers for ease of bolting down
• Fully water-resistant

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G06400 2 Weighing & Data Collection G05420 6-44493-05420-3 N/A Gallagher Heavy Duty Weigh Feet Kit Tough, stainless steel weigh feet for easy mounting under cattle chutes and custom platforms.

• 11,000 lbs. weighing capacity
• Fast and easy load cell replacement without major lifting. One extra loadcell supplied in kit for easy replacement and no down time. 
• High accuracy corner-to-corner performance for demanding weighing requirements
• Unique design offers flexible installation options under cattle handlers or irregular shaped platform assemblies
• Designed for manual or hydraulic chute (not compatible with W210)

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G05420 2 Weighing & Data Collection G05900 6-44012-00094-0 N/A Gallagher Aluminum Platform A lightweight, high strength cattle platform designed for use with Gallagher Alleyway Loadbars.

• Fits 4,400 lbs. Alleyway Loadbars
• 7 1/2' long x 25" wide
• Platform weighs 49 lbs.

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G05900 2 Weighing & Data Collection G03113 6-44493-03113-6 19414701031139 Gallagher R Series Electronic Controller Entry level reader controller for fixed location, EID tag reading. Comes with 12 volt battery leads, RS232 communication cable, USB communication cable and user manual​. Requires external 12 volt power source (not included). 1 Weighing & Data Collection G03111 6-44493-03111-2 19414701031115 Gallagher BR Series Electronic Controller • Battery powered electronic controller for livestock identification• Internal rechargeable battery• Easy to read battery charge indicator• Internal memory stores 20,000 tags• Tag counter display screen records animals scanned• Download stored records to your computer• Replacement battery A738 1 Weighing & Data Collection G031424 6-44493-31424-6 N/A Gallagher Large Panel Antenna Longer panel, suitable for dairy and any other walk past identification applications. • Suitable for walk past identification applications• HDX and FDX-B ISO compliant panel• Waterproof antenna panel• Mounting hardware supplied• Can be used with either G03113 or G03111 electronic controller 1 Weighing & Data Collection G03121 6-44493-03121-1 9414701031217 Gallagher Small Panel Antenna Shorter panel for constrained weighing of sheep or cattle in a chute or handler. • Suitable for walk past identification applications• HDX and FDX-B ISO compliant panel• Waterproof antenna panel• Mounting hardware supplied• Can be used with either G03113 or G03111 electronic controller 1 Weighing & Data Collection G03303 6-44493-03303-1 19414701033034 Gallagher HR5 Hand Held Portable Reader The HR5 Hand-held EID Tag Reader collects data, not just EID numbers. Enables users to record, edit, and customize data any time, any place. Features include a large, easy-to-read display and a unique phone style keypad for adding and editing data. Comfortable ergonomic design and simple trigger action. 27" long.

• Add Visual ID’s to identify and record information against an animal - replacing a lost EID tag number
• Enter numeric, text, date and pick-list type traits - breed, sex, condition score, pregnancy status or free typing in 'lame' or 'loose'
• Records weight and displays weight gain
• Compatible with all national brands of HDX and FDX EID tags and weigh scales
• Fast and continuous reading. Read multiple tags in quick succession with one trigger click – no need to repeatedly click the trigger between reads
• View animal history - view past traits, activities, and life data recorded against an animal
• Easy, immediate tag read feedback with a vibrating handle, loud beeper and super bright LED at end of reader
• Link mother’s ID to newborn’s as soon as the EID tag is in place, add birthing details such as sex, birthing ease and fate
• Transfer and analyze data easily - USB cable connects to a PC to transfer data to Animal Performance Software (included), for easy data management and uploading
• Simple connectivity via Bluetooth to other devices
• Cables included for PC connection and charging
• Animal Performance Software (APS) included

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G03303 1 Weighing & Data Collection G03302 6-44493-03302-4 19414701033027 Gallagher HR4 Hand Held Portable Reader More than just an EID tag reader. The HR4 also records animal data such as breed, sex, condition score and pregnancy status, enabling immediate stock management decisions.

• Large, easy-to-read display (indoors and out) clearly shows tag number to confirm the animal ID
• Make drafting decisions in the yard. Pre-defined sort groups are assigned a color to quickly identify the animal you are looking for • Compatible with all national brands of HDX and FDX EID tags and weigh scales
• Fast and continuous reading. Read multiple tags in quick succession with one trigger click – no need to repeatedly click the trigger between reads
• View animal history - see past traits, activities, and life data previously recorded against that EID number
• Easy, immediate tag read feedback with a vibrating handle, loud beeper and super bright LED at end of reader
• Award-winning ergonomic design is comfortable for long usage times, reduces risk of trapping hand or arm in equipment and simple trigger action for each read
• Transfer and analyze data easily - USB cable connects to a PC to transfer data to Animal Performance Software (included), for easy data management and uploading
• Simple connectivity via Bluetooth to other devices
• Cables included for PC connection and charging

Manufacturer's Part Number: # G03302 1 Weighing & Data Collection SG001 6-44012-00096-4 20644012000968 Gallagher Handy Shock The power to sort livestock can fit in your pocket with Gallagher’s Handy Shock.

• Ideal for use in close quarters
• Battery-powered electronic circuit
• On/off switch to prevent accidental shock
• Lightweight, weighing less than a pound
• Requires four "AA" batteries (included)

Manufacturer's Part Number: # SG001 1 Stock Prods & Accessories SG150 6-44012-00098-8 20644012000982 Gallagher Standard Stock Prod The Gallagher Standard Stock Prod is lightweight and well-balanced, designed for both wet and dry animal control. Holds no residual charge, to prevent accidental shock. Safety clip prevents charge when not in use. Can be used with any Gallagher Stock Prod Shaft (sold separately).

• Moisture-proof
• One-piece handle with sealed motor
• Battery-powered electronic circuit produces a high-voltage pulse
• Requires four "C" batteries (included)

Manufacturer's Part Number: # SG150 1 Stock Prods & Accessories SG240 6-44012-00099-5 20644012000999 Gallagher Heavy Duty Stock Prod The Gallagher Heavy Duty Stock Prod is designed for high volume use on both wet and dry animals. Holds no residual charge, to prevent accidental shock. Safety clip prevents charge when not in use. Can be used with any Gallagher Stock Prod Shaft (sold separately).

• Moisture-proof
• One-piece handle with sealed motor
• Battery-powered electronic circuit produces a high-voltage pulse

Manufacturer's Part Number: # SG240 2 Stock Prods & Accessories SG082 6-44012-00100-8 20644012001002 Gallagher Stock Prod Shaft - 32" Keep the cattle line moving with Gallagher Stock Prods. Available in multiple lengths to assist with various livestock control.

• Flexible polycarbonate shaft
• Large attachment nut to help reduce breakages
• Brass contact points for positive results

Manufacturer's Part Number: # SG082 1 Stock Prods & Accessories SG091 6-44012-00101-5 20644012001019 Gallagher Stock Prod Shaft - 36" Keep the cattle line moving with Gallagher Stock Prods. Available in multiple lengths to assist with various livestock control.

• Flexible polycarbonate shaft
• Large attachment nut to help reduce breakages
• Brass contact points for positive results

Manufacturer's Part Number: # SG091 1 Stock Prods & Accessories SG107 6-44012-00102-2 20644012001026 Gallagher Stock Prod Shaft - 42" Keep the cattle line moving with Gallagher Stock Prods. Available in multiple lengths to assist with various livestock control.

• Flexible polycarbonate shaft
• Large attachment nut to help reduce breakages
• Brass contact points for positive results

Manufacturer's Part Number: # SG107
1 Stock Prods & Accessories SG007 6-44012-00106-0 20644012001064 Gallagher 48" Sorting Paddle This light weight yet sturdy paddle is used to sort out animals; noise makers are located inside and the handle is golf grip style. 1 Stock Prods & Accessories SG006 6-44012-00107-7 20644012001071 Gallagher 54" Sorting Pole Keep livestock moving with the Gallagher Sorting Pole.

• 54" long sorting stick with golf grip handle
• Made of durable 1/2" orange fiberglass
• Heavy duty rubber tip helps protect stick end

Manufacturer's Part Number: # SG006 1 Stock Prods & Accessories A3390 6-52691-03390-6 N/A Miraco MiraFount A3390 The energy free MiraFount A3390 two-hole livestock watering tank holds up to 44 gallons. It can be used as both a thermos and a watering hole for your livestock. This particular tank can water 150 head of beef cattle or 60 dairy cows. Includes stainless steel anchor bolts and 2 easily removable top end panels.

• 20" drinking height
• Measures 29” x 43” x 20” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 150 head beef or 60 head dairy
• Two 10” openings / 10.75” ball closures
• Holds up to 44 gallons
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included
• Weighs 126 lbs.

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3390 5 Waterer A3390E 6-52691-33903-9 N/A Miraco E-Fount A3390E The E-Fount A3390E two-hole livestock waterer holds up to 44 gallons and comes with an energy efficient 75-watt heat element to weather the cold. The Two-Hole E-Fount can be used as both a watering hole and a thermos for your livestock. This particular waterer can hydrate 150 head of beef cattle or 60 dairy cows. Includes stainless steel anchor bolts and 2 easily removable top end panels.

• 20" drinking height
• Measures 29” x 43” x 20” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 150 head beef or 60 head dairy
• Two 10” openings / 10.75” ball closures
• Holds up to 44 gallons
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and 75-watt heat element included
• Weighs 129 lbs.

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3390E 5 Waterer A3330 6-52691-03330-2 N/A Miraco MiraFount A3330 The MiraFount A3330 one-hole livestock watering tank requires no electricity, so it saves 100% of your energy costs. Frame and cover are made of high impact Rockite. Each model comes with anchors for mounting to concrete pad, pipe insulation and a section of 3/4" PVC pipe.

• 14" drinking height
• Measures 28” x 26” x 16” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 50 head beef, 30 horses or 25 head dairy
• One 8.75” opening / 9” ball closure
• Holds up to 15 gallons
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included
• Weighs 59 lbs.

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3330 5 Waterer A3330E 6-52691-33303-7 N/A Miraco E-Fount A3330E The E-Fount A3330E one-hole livestock waterer is the economical choice for those in need of an electric heat waterer. The included 75-Watt heat element only requires 4 kilowatts of electricity during a week of -25 F temperatures and the high impact Rockite cover is sure to stand up to even the toughest of weather conditions. Each model comes with anchors for mounting to concrete pad, pipe insulation and a section of 3/4" PVC pipe.

• 14" drinking height
• Measures 28” x 26” x 16” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 50 head beef, 30 horses or 25 head dairy
• One 8.75” opening / 9” ball closure
• Holds up to 15 gallons
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and 75-watt heat element included
• Weighs 59 lbs.

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3330E 5 Waterer A3465 6-52691-03465-1 N/A Miraco MiraFount A3465 The MiraFount A3465 two-hole livestock watering tank saves you on energy costs by requiring zero electricity to operate. Each model comes with anchors for mounting to a concrete pad, pipe insulation and a section of 3/4" PVC pipe. The removable dome allows for quick and easy access to the valve area making any needed adjustment seamless for you.

• 18" drinking height
• Measures 24” x 36” x 18” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 100 head beef or 40 head dairy
• Two 9.25” openings / 10” ball closures
• Holds up to 20 gallons
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included
• Weighs 79 lbs.

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3465 5 Waterer A3465E 6-52691-34653-2 N/A Miraco E-Fount A3465E The E-Fount A3465E two-hole livestock waterer efficiently withstands freezing temperatures with the included 75-watt heating element and thermostat. Each model comes with anchors for mounting to a concrete pad, pipe insulation and a section of 3/4" PVC pipe. The removable dome allows for quick and easy access to the valve area making any needed adjustment seamless for you.

• 18" drinking height
• Measures 24” x 36” x 18” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 100 head beef or 40 head dairy
• Two 9.25” openings / 10” ball closures
• Holds up to 20 gallons
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included
• Weighs 79 lbs.

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3465E 5 Waterer A3345 6-52691-03345-6 N/A Miraco MiraFount A3345 The MiraFount A3345 one-hole livestock watering tank provides for 75 head of beef cattle or 30 head of dairy cattle. It’s sturdy frame and build are designed for the toughest of outdoor conditions. The removable top saves you time and effort when making any necessary adjustments.

• 18" drinking height
• Measures 31” x 29” x 18” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 75 head beef or 30 head dairy
• One 10” opening / 10.75” ball closure
• Holds up to 30 gallons
• Weighs 95 lbs.
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3345
5 Waterer A3345E 6-52691-33453-9 N/A Miraco E-Fount A3345E The energy efficient E-Fount A3345E one-hole livestock waterer provides for 75 head of beef cattle or 30 head of dairy cattle. It’s sturdy frame and build are designed for the toughest of outdoor conditions and the included 75-watt heating element keeps winter at bay. The removable top saves you time and effort when making any necessary adjustments.

• 18" drinking height
• Measures 31” x 29” x 18” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 75 head beef or 30 head dairy
• One 10” opening / 10.75” ball closure
• Holds up to 30 gallons
• Weighs 95 lbs.
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and 75-watt heat element included

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3345E 5 Waterer A3354-S 6-52691-03354-8 N/A Miraco MiraFount A3354-S The MiraFount A3354-S four-hole livestock watering tank can hold up to 70 gallons of fresh water to accommodate your cattle. No electricity is required, saving you money on energy costs. Top panels can be easily removed to help get new cattle started faster or to provide more capacity for a few extra head.

• 19" drinking height
• Measures 32.5” x 57.5” x 19” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 200 head beef or 90 head dairy
• Four 9.5” openings / 10.75” ball closures
• Weighs 152 lbs.
• Holds up to 70 gallons
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3354-S
5 Waterer A3340 6-52691-03340-1 N/A Miraco MiraFount A3340 The MiraFount A3340 four-hole livestock watering tank is designed specifically for sheep. It holds up to 15 gallons and can provide for 100 head of sheep. The frame and cover are made of high impact Rockite to withstand the baaadest conditions.

• Measures 26” x 28” x 14” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 57 lbs.
• Capacity: 100 head sheep
• Four 6” openings / 7” ball closures
• Holds up to 15 gallons
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3340
5 Waterer A3340E 6-52691-33403-4 N/A Miraco E-Fount A3340E The E-Fount A3340E four-hole livestock waterer is designed specifically for sheep. It holds up to 15 gallons and can provide for 100 head of sheep. The frame and cover are made of high impact Rockite to withstand the baaadest conditions. Comes packaged with a 75-watt heating element that keeps the water liquefied in below freezing conditions.

• Measures 26” x 28” x 14” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 57 lbs.
• Capacity: 100 head sheep
• Four 6” openings / 7” ball closures
• Holds up to 15 gallons
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and 75-watt heat element included

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3340E 5 Waterer A3410 6-52691-03410-1 N/A Miraco MiraFount A3410 The MiraFount A3410 two-lid livestock watering tank has a low drinking height specifically designed for hogs. It’s patented underside lid seal enables energy-free watering and has a valve area that can be easily accessed. Drain holes come with rubber plugs that allow for easy cleaning.

• Measures 19” x 34” x 16” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 100 market hogs or 50 sows
• Two lift-up lids / 10” openings
• Holds up to 6 gallons
• Weighs 52 lbs.
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3410
5 Waterer A3410E 6-52691-34103-2 N/A Miraco E-Fount A3410E The E-Fount A3410E two-lid swine waterer has a low drinking height specifically designed for hogs. Cool water helps to relieve heat stress on hot days and the included 75-watt heating element prevents the water from freezing on the cold ones. It’s patented underside lid seal enables energy-free watering and has a valve area that can be easily accessed. Drain holes come with rubber plugs that allow for easy cleaning.

• Measures 19” x 34” x 16” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 100 market hogs or 50 sows
• Two lift-up lids / 10” openings
• Holds up to 6 gallons
• Weighs 57 lbs.
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and 75-watt heating element included

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3410E 5 Waterer A3410-4 6-52691-34104-9 N/A Miraco MiraFount A3410-4 Before pigs go to market, first they go to a MiraFount A3410-4 four-lid livestock watering tank. It has a low drinking height specifically designed for swine. It’s patented underside lid seal enables energy-free watering and has a valve area that can be easily accessed. Drain holes come with rubber plugs that allow for easy cleaning.

• Measures 36.5” x 34” x 16” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 200 market hogs or 100 sows
• Four lift-up lids / 10” openings
• Holds up to 15 gallons
• Weighs 95 lbs.
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3410-4
5 Waterer A3410-4E 6-52691-34143-8 N/A Miraco E-Fount A3410-4E The E-Fount A3410E-4E four-lid swine waterer provides cool water that helps to relieve heat stress on hot days and the included 75-watt heating element prevents the water from freezing on the cold ones. It has a low drinking height specifically designed for hogs and the patented underside lid seal enables energy-free watering and has a valve area that can be easily accessed. Drain holes come with rubber plugs that allow for easy cleaning.

• Measures 36.5” x 34” x 16” (L x W x H)
• Capacity: 200 market hogs or 100 sows
• Four lift-up lids / 10” openings
• Holds up to 15 gallons
• Weighs 98 lbs.
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and 75-watt heating element included

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3410E-4E 5 Waterer A3370-S 6-52691-03370-8 N/A Miraco MiraFount A3370-S The MiraFount A3370-S six-hole livestock watering tank is energy free and requires no electricity. This mammoth tank holds up to 100 gallons of fresh water and two valves are provided for fast recovery. The removable end panels help to get new cattle and calves drinking faster or can help to provide capacity for a few extra head. Each model comes with anchors for mounting to concrete pad, pipe insulation and a section of 3/4" PVC pipe.

• 20" drinking height
• Measures 45.5” x 57.5” x 20” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 216 lbs.
• Capacity: 250 head beef, 200 cow/calf units or 120 head dairy
• Six 9.5” openings / 10.75” ball closures
• Holds up to 100 gallons
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3370-S
5 Waterer A2700 6-52691-02700-2 N/A Miraco Lil’Spring A2700 Whether it rains or shines the Lil'Spring A2700 double sided livestock watering tank provides fresh water at any time. Resistant to corrosion, the Lil’Spring can provide for 100 head of sheep or goats. It holds up to 6 gallons of water at a time and the smooth edges prevent any unnecessary animal harm.

• 14" drinking height
• Measures 17.5” x 28.75” x 14” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 40 lbs.
• Holds up to 6 gallons
• Capacity: 100 head of sheep or goats
• 3” offset drain for outside use
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and Miraco automatic plastic valve included
• Heat: Optional 110V 250-watt submersible heater
• Attractive design; four color options: Gray, Standard Blue, Black or Hunter Green

Manufacturer's Part Number: A2700 5 Waterer A2800 6-52691-02800-1 N/A Miraco Lil’Spring A2800 Keep a variety of animals hydrated with the Lil'Spring A2800 single sided livestock watering tank. Holds up to 4 gallons of water at a time to accommodate either 30 head of horses or beef cattle. Tough, high-impact resistant Rockite material stands up to livestock abuse.

• 19" drinking height
• Measures 16” x 20” x 19” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 40 lbs.
• Holds up to 4 gallons
• Capacity: 30 head of beef or horses
• 3” offset drain for outside use
• Stainless steel anchor bolts, Miraco automatic plastic valve and 200 psi hose w/shut off valve included
• Heat: Optional 110V 250-watt submersible heater
• Attractive design; four color options: Gray, Standard Blue, Black or Hunter Green

Manufacturer's Part Number: A2800 5 Waterer A2900 6-52691-02900-8 N/A Miraco Lil’Spring A2900 Keep a variety of animals hydrated with the Lil'Spring A2900 double sided livestock watering tank. Holds up to 6 gallons of water at a time to accommodate either 50 head of beef cattle or 25 horses. Tough, high-impact resistant Rockite material stands up to livestock abuse. Removable dome for quick and easy access to the valve area.

• 19" drinking height
• Measures 16.5” x 30.5” x 27” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 48 lbs.
• Holds up to 6 gallons
• Capacity: 50 head of beef or 25 horses
• 3” offset drain for outside use
• Stainless steel anchor bolts, Miraco automatic plastic valve and 200 psi hose w/shut off valve included
• Heat: Optional 110V 250-watt submersible heater
• Attractive design; four color options: Gray, Standard Blue, Black or Hunter Green

Manufacturer's Part Number: A2900
5 Waterer A3000 6-52691-03000-4 N/A Miraco Lil’Spring A3000 Hydrate your livestock with the Lil'Spring A3000 single sided livestock watering tank. This open waterer is resistant to corrosion and can provide for 30 head of beef, 30 horses or 50 sheep. It holds up to 5 gallons of water at a time and the smooth edges prevent any unnecessary animal harm.

• 16" drinking height
• Measures 22” x 24” x 21” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 48 lbs.
• Holds up to 5 gallons
• Capacity: 30 head of beef, 30 horses or 50 sheep
• 3” offset drain for outside use
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and Miraco automatic plastic valve included
• Heat: Optional 110V 250-watt submersible heater
• Attractive design; four color options: Gray, Standard Blue, Black or Hunter Green

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3000 5 Waterer A3100DS 6-52691-03100-1 N/A Miraco Lil’Spring A3100DS The Lil'Spring A3100DS double sided livestock watering tank has large panels for easy tool free access to the valve area. This double-sided waterer is resistant to corrosion and has rounded edges to prevent any harm to your animals. It holds up to 8 gallons of water at a time with the capacity to accommodate either 100 head of beef or 50 dairy cattle.

• 22" drinking height
• Measures 22” x 36” x 27” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 75 lbs.
• Holds up to 8 gallons
• Capacity: 100 head of beef or 50 dairy cattle
• 3” offset drain for outside use
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and Miraco automatic plastic valve included
• Heat: Optional 110V 250-watt submersible heater
• Attractive design; four color options: Gray, Standard Blue, Black or Hunter Green

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3100DS 5 Waterer A3200 6-52691-03200-8 N/A Miraco Lil’Spring A3200 The Lil'Spring A3200 livestock watering tank is designed with a heavy-duty polyethylene construction for beef and dairy cattle. It is an open waterer constructed of high impact resistant Rockite to withstand the toughest of conditions. The rounded edges prevent any harm to your animals and it holds up to 25 gallons of water at a time with the capacity to accommodate either 150 head of beef or 75 dairy cattle.

• 24" drinking height
• Measures 48” x 24” x 29” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 98 lbs.
• Holds up to 25 gallons
• Capacity: 150 head of beef or 75 dairy cattle
• 3” offset drain for outside use
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and Miraco automatic plastic valve included
• Heat: Optional 110V 250-watt submersible heater
• Attractive design; four color options: Gray, Standard Blue, Black or Hunter Green

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3200 5 Waterer A3500 6-52691-03500-9 N/A Miraco Lil’Spring A3500 Corrosion resistant, the Lil'Spring A3500 multipurpose livestock watering tank has safely rounded edges to avoid unnecessary animal harm. Access panels are located at both ends of the tank for easy maintenance. The diagonal valve design allows more cattle to drink at one time. Constructed of high impact resistant Rockite to withstand the toughest of conditions. It holds up to 40 gallons of water at a time with the capacity to accommodate either 225 head of beef or 110 dairy cattle.

• 26" drinking height
• Measures 42” x 42” x 26” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 145 lbs.
• Holds up to 40 gallons with a 168” drinking space
• Capacity: 225 head of beef or 110 dairy cattle
• 3” offset drain for outside use
• Stainless steel anchor bolts and Miraco automatic plastic valve included
• Heat: Optional 110V or 220V 500-watt submersible heater
• Attractive design; four color options: Gray, Standard Blue, Black or Hunter Green

Manufacturer's Part Number: A3500
5 Waterer A1100 6-52691-01100-3 N/A Miraco EquiFount A1100 Corner Mount Horse Waterer Cornered but not trapped, the EquiFount A1100 automatic waterer can be mounted in a corner to save space for your animal in the stall. The smooth rounded edges are designed for animal safety and its four-bolt installation saves you precious time. The large drain requires no disassembly and makes cleaning or maintenance a breeze.

• Measures 16” x 16” x 14” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 22 lbs.
• Holds 1 gallon
• Capacity: Horse stall or single animal watering
• Heat: Optional 22-watt heater
• Attractive design; four color options: Gray, Standard Blue, Black or Hunter Green

Manufacturer's Part Number: A1100 5 Waterer A1200 6-52691-01200-0 N/A Miraco EquiFount A1200 Wall Mount Horse Waterer Mount the EquiFount A1200 automatic waterer to a wall and save space for your animal in the stall. The large drain requires no disassembly and makes cleaning or maintenance a breeze. It has smooth rounded edges designed for animal safety and the four-bolt installation saves you precious time.

• Measures 16” x 16” x 14” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 22 lbs.
• Holds 1 gallon
• Capacity: Horse stall or single animal watering
• Heat: Optional 22-watt heater
• Attractive design; four color options: Gray, Standard Blue, Black or Hunter Green

Manufacturer's Part Number: A1200
5 Waterer A6000 6-52691-06000-1 N/A Miraco BigSpring A6000 The flat back of the BigSpring A6000 is designed to fit flush with a wall. The water spray attracts new cattle and the removable dome allows for easy access to the valve area. The waterer holds up to 60 gallons of water at a time and has the capacity to accommodate either 250 head of beef or 110 dairy cattle.

• 24" drinking height
• Measures 90” x 33” x 24” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 215 lbs.
• Holds up to 60 gallons
• Capacity: 250 head of beef or 110 dairy cattle
• 3” drain hole with rubber plug for rapid cleaning
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included
• Heat: Optional 110V or 220V 500-watt submersible heater

Manufacturer's Part Number: A6000 5 Waterer A6100 6-52691-06100-8 N/A Miraco BigSpring A6100 Favored by dairies, the BigSpring A6100 has a flat back designed to fit flush with a wall and the curved front allows full access to the drinking space. The rugged Rockite construction stands up to livestock abuse and resists corrosion. The removable dome allows for easy access to the valve area. This waterer holds up to 60 gallons of water at a time and has the capacity to accommodate 110 dairy cattle.

• 24" drinking height
• Measures 36” x 80” x 24” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 205 lbs.
• Holds up to 60 gallons
• Capacity: 110 dairy cattle
• 3” drain hole with rubber plug for rapid cleaning
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included
• Heat: Optional 110V or 220V 500-watt submersible heater

Manufacturer's Part Number: A6100 5 Waterer A6200 6-52691-06200-5 N/A Miraco BigSpring A6200 Tough, high impact resistant Rockite construction allows the BigSpring A6200 to withstand the toughest of livestock abuse. Three access panels and no wrenches are required for valve compartment access, making maintenance and adjustments flow smoothly. The sloped bottom design makes for easy cleaning. It holds up to 60 gallons of water at a time and has the capacity to accommodate either 200 head of beef or 100 dairy cattle.

• 22" drinking height
• Measures 22” x 84” x 22” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 170 lbs.
• Holds up to 60 gallons
• Capacity: 200 head of beef or 100 dairy cattle
• Designed for free stall barns
• Two large 3” drains; severe slope for quick draining
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included
• Heat: Optional 110V or 220V 500-watt submersible heater

Manufacturer's Part Number: A6200 5 Waterer A6300 6-52691-06300-2 N/A Miraco BigSpring A6300 Holding up to 110 gallons of water at a time, the BigSpring A6300 has the capacity to accommodate either 300 head of beef or 150 dairy cattle. The tough, high impact resistant Rockite construction allows it to withstand the toughest of livestock abuse. Three access panels and no wrenches are required for valve compartment access, making maintenance and adjustments a breeze. The sloped bottom design makes for easy cleaning.

• 22" drinking height
• Measures 22” x 144” x 22” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 275 lbs.
• Holds up to 110 gallons
• Capacity: 300 head of beef or 150 dairy cattle
• Designed for free stall barns
• Two large 3” drains; severe slope for quick draining
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included
• Heat: Optional 110V or 220V 500-watt submersible heater

Manufacturer's Part Number: A6300 5 Waterer A6400 6-52691-06400-9 N/A Miraco BigSpring A6400 The BigSpring A6400 is tough enough to withstand your cattle with its Rockite construction and has the holding capacity to hydrate them. This waterer holds up to 90 gallons of water and has the capacity to accommodate either 250 head of beef or 125 dairy cattle. The three access panels allow access to the valve compartment and no wrenches are required. The sloped bottom design makes for an easy cleaning and maintenance experience.

• 22" drinking height
• Measures 22” x 120” x 22” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 230 lbs.
• Holds up to 90 gallons
• Capacity: 250 head of beef or 125 dairy cattle
• Designed for free stall barns
• Two large 3” drains; severe slope for quick draining
• Stainless steel anchor bolts included
• Heat: Optional 110V or 220V 500-watt submersible heater

Manufacturer's Part Number: A6400 5 Waterer A1000 6-52691-01000-6 N/A Miraco Lil’Fount A1000 The Lil’Fount A1000 waterer features all polyethylene construction with polyurethane foam insulation. Its poly exterior makes cleaning a breeze and helps to prevent the buildup of bacteria or algae. This pet waterer delivers cool, clean water automatically with no moving parts and can hold up to 5 gallons at a time. During hot weather you can add ice cubes to the 5-gallon insulated reservoir with every fill, helping cool your pets faster.

• Measures 18.5” x 12” x 16.5” (L x W x H)
• Weighs 15 lbs.
• Holds up to 5 gallons
• Capacity: Small animals such as dogs and cats
• Heat: Optional 110V 250-watt heater

Manufacturer's Part Number: A1000 5 Waterer A834 6-52691-00834-8 N/A Miraco Insulated Heat Tubes Highly insulated tube shields incoming ground water from cold as it passes through the frost level. Polyethylene construction ensures years of trouble free use. One 20” tube and 3’ of 12” plastic drainage tile provide sufficient heat in most locations. For northern locations two 30” heat tubes may be required. 1 Water Tank Accessories A834-5 6-52691-08345-2 N/A Miraco EquiFount Insulated Ext Tube Cold barns are not a problem for EquiFount waterers. This insulated extension tube allows water line to enter from below without freezing. Rubber plug can be removed for access to water shut-off valve. 1 Water Tank Accessories A158 6-52691-00158-5 N/A Miraco Hook Up Kits 2’ rubber hose (200 psi) with shut off valve. 1 Water Tank Accessories A399-5 6-52691-03995-3 N/A Miraco Underground Shut-off Kit Comes with drain back. 1 Water Tank Accessories A336 N/A N/A Miraco Automatic Valves (A336) GPM 14, Low pressure 5 - 40 psi 1 Water Tank Accessories A521 N/A N/A Miraco Automatic Valves (A521) GPM 12.5, High pressure 40 -80 psi 1 Water Tank Accessories A519 N/A N/A Miraco Automatic Valves (A519) GPM 6, Super high pressure 80 - 90 psi 1 Water Tank Accessories A250 6-52691-00250-6 N/A Miraco 250 Watt Heater (A1000) Heater kits come with heater and heat cable. Compatible with A1000. 1 Water Tank Accessories A276 6-52691-00276-6 N/A Miraco 250 Watt Submersible Heater (A1100 /A1200) Heater kits come with heater and heat cable. Submersible and compatible with A1100 or A1200. 1 Water Tank Accessories A160 6-52691-00160-8 N/A Miraco 250 Watt Immersion Heater Heater kits come with heater and heat cable. Has a built-in thermostat and is Teflon coated. Compatible with A2800, A2900, A3000, A3100 or A3200. 1 Water Tank Accessories A162 6-52691-00162-2 N/A Miraco 500 Watt Immersion Heater Heater kits come with heater and heat cable. Available in 110 Volt or 220 Volt and is Teflon coated. Compatible with A3500, A6000, A6100, A6200, A6300 or A6400. 1 Water Tank Accessories A919-5 6-52691-09195-1 N/A Miraco 5’ Cable Line Heater Thermostat controlled cable line heater (110 Volt or 220 Volt). 1 Water Tank Accessories A919-8 6-52691-09198-2 N/A Miraco 8’ Cable Line Heater Thermostat controlled cable line heater (110 Volt or 220 Volt). 1 Water Tank Accessories AQ100B 6-44012-00022-3 20644012000227 Gallagher 3/4" Brass Water Tank Valve with Float Designed for seamless use with many livestock waterers and water tanks. It works at any angle and is stock-proof. The Gallagher Water Tank Brass Valve with Float is easy to install and set up. 1 Water Tank Accessories AQ400P 6-44012-00025-4 20644012000258 Gallagher 3/4" Water Tank Poly Valve with Float Gallagher's submersible trough valve has a flexible cord and float that hugs the trough wall, keeping it out of harms way. 1 Water Tank Accessories AQ500P 6-44012-00026-6 20644012000265 Gallagher 1” Water Tank Poly Valve with Float Gallagher's submersible trough valve has a flexible cord and float that hugs the trough wall, keeping it out of harms way. 1 Water Tank Accessories

February 08, 2019

Is rotational grazing an option for me?


grazing animals

You can consider grazing as an option whether you are a dairy, beef, stocker, or replacement cattle grower, sheep, goat or equine operation, or any other type of livestock producer. Is there any help to get started on grazing? There are many sources of assistance. Federal and State government assistance and technical help is available for graziers, as well as a strong network be-tween farmers, agencies, and businesses that work together to help grazing grow in Pennsylvania 

Why manage? Many pasture problems such as slow growth, weed inva-sions, and bare ground, are caused by the pasture man-agement methods being used. Good management is the key to healthy, productive pastures that lead to healthy, productive animals. Rotational Systems Livestock systems that rely on continuous grazing are often over and under grazed. When livestock are allowed to graze freely they eat the best forage first. If these plants are not al-lowed time to regrow, they will die and over time the pasture will decline in productivity. Rotational grazing is designed to let forages rest between grazings so that they can grow back more quickly. The more paddocks and the more frequent the rotation, the healthier the pasture. 

solar fence charger 

Managed grazing assistance available from USDA-NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program Environmental Quality Incentives Program ACEP provides financial assistance to eligible partners for EQIP provides technical and financial assistance to ag-purchasing Agricultural Land Easements that protect the ricultural producers in order to address natural resouce agricultural use and conservation values of eligible land. In concerns and deliver environmental benefits through the case of working farms, the program helps farmers keep conservation practices or activities. NRCS will help eligible their land in agriculture. participants develop an EQIP plan of operations and, once implemented, payments will be made. Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) For example: After implementing the NRCS Prescribed CSP is available in selected watersheds throughout Grazing practice, farmers recieve a flat rate payment. This the state. This program rewards good stewards by practice involves creating a grazing plan, with the help of awarding incentive payments on practices that have NRCS, that considers the resources on the farm and the been established and maintained as a part of a con- landowner’s goals and provides the steps to follow the servation plan in previous years.

Conservation Technical Assistance Other grazing practices covered by EQIP:

This FREE assistance does not provide cost sharing for prac- tices, but it does give the famer a great tool for successful • Fencing • Water Well grazing. The NRCS provides technical personnel trained • Watering Facility • Water Control to develop grazing plans, give suggestions, and help pro- • Pipeline Structures ducers with their questions. Grazing land specialists are • Trails and Walkways • Roof Runoff Structures available upon request to the Field Office (FO), while FO • Heavy Use Area • Access Control personnel are available to visit and discuss any questions • Forage Harvest • Livestock Shelter about NRCS programs that you may have. Assistance in- Management Structure cludes stocking rate calculations, seeding recommenda- • Riparian Herbaceous • Prescribed Burning tions, fencing and water system designs, dry matter intake Buffer • Feed Management assessment, and others. For technical assistance, just call, • Riparian Forest Buffer • Forage and Biomass email, or visit any NRCS office! • Stream Crossing Planting • Grassed Waterway • Brush Management • Spring Development • Pumping Plant 


February 06, 2019

Electric Fence Border Security!

border security electric fence trump

Trump knows what will work! Its Gallagher electric fence from Valley Farm Supply!

February 06, 2019

Permanent power fence with high tensile wire

I’m building a permanent power fence with high tensile wire.  Any suggestions?


Don’t over tension the wire. Using high-tensile wire allows for greater line post spacing than conventional wire; usually 50 feet as a minimum. Also, don't over-tighten the wires. Make sure it’s a flexible system that allows for wildlife impacts, snow loading, etc.  If you don’t “over-engineer” the fence, you’ll save lots of money. High Tensile fencing Question | Gallagher Electric Fencing 

January 30, 2019

Lancaster County Graziers is planning their 26th annual grazing conference

Schedule of Events - Surviving Tough Times

Dear Fellow Graziers,
Lancaster County Graziers is planning their 26th annual grazing conference on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 19 and 20, 2019. Note change in location!New meeting address is 352 Martindale Road, Ephrata, PA 17522.

The 2019 conference theme is “Surviving Tough Times”. This will prove to be a learning and stimulating time, hearing what our speakers are doing to stayprofitable. Our focus on Tuesday the 19th is survivingtough times and the second day on marketing what you produce. One change will be a phone relay system whereby we can update you by phone about meetingsand changes. So make sure when you fill out yourregistration that we have the phone number that you want to be updated on. If you are not coming to this meeting, but want to be on that hotline please make sure you text me with the name and number you want on the hotline updates.

Tuesday registration will be opened at 7:30 so come prepared to learn. Our speaker line up brings a lot of experience to the table. We have two panels planned, one on surviving price downturns and weather challenges and then one on opportunities in direct marketing.

About some of our speakers: Nathan Weaver Canastota, New York (frequent contributor to Graze Magazine) will begin on Tuesday at 9 am by giving us a picture why we are in this down market. Alan Newport farmer, writer and editor of the Beef Producer will give some hands on ideas that will reduce your costs of operating a grass based dairy beef or sheep operation. Max Kane, CEO of “Farm Match” and Edwin Shank from Family cow will share some differing views about pricing and marketing. If grass management and farm marketing potential, moving into tougher times is of interest to you, this will be an opportunity to learn from many years of experience.

John K. Lapp is in charge of the food. To donate or supply food contact him at 717-733-1766. Good opportunity to advertise your food items. Your donations will be greatly appreciated also. The eveningmeal on Tuesday will be finger food. Bring yourfavorite healthy snack like cheese, meat, gluten freecookies and/or healthy drink (kombucha, kefir etc.).

Roman Stoltzfoos, 717-278-1070, Secretary Exhibitors Contact Levi Fisher, 717-405-9438

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

8:00: Registration - Visit with exhibitors.9:00: Nathan Weaver, The big picture in the

milk business,... how can I survive this?

10:00: Break for coffee and snacks. Network and visit with exhibitors.

10:30: Glen Wise, When to reach for the ejection handle. Life after dairy.

11:15: Alvin Peachy, Changing with the challenges we face.

12:00: Organic and gourmet lunch
1:30: Farmer panel
, Nathan Weaver, Alvin

Peachy, John Meulenberg and Levi Fisher

2:30 to 4:00: Panel will be considering your questions.

3:30-4:00: Adjourn, NOTE: Tuesday evening meeting free and open to the public.

5:00: We will enjoy leftovers from lunch and your carry in choices for a light supper.

6:00: Alan Newport, Why grass management is a good way to build soil carbon stores and what that means to the environment.

7:00: Max Kane, Capturing health thru diet and the true value of food.

8:00: Adjourn, good night.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

8:45: Alan Newport, Hands on survival tactics, grazing technique, building soil with stock density. Time for questions?

9:30: Break-Enjoy a healthy snack, network, visit with exhibitors

10:15: Edwin Shank, How the family farm grows connection and story.

11:15: Max Kane, “From $200 to $1,000,000, how to get customers to pay the high prices you need to stay in business”

12:00: Organic and gourmet lunch
1:20: Amos Miller,
Marketing nutrient dense

food. Just for the health of it.

1:40: Panel on marketing. Max Kane, Edwin Shank and Amos Miller

3:30: Adjourn, see you next year.

January 30, 2019

Special Deal Available on Gallagher Turbo Wire

January 27, 2019

Best Selling Gallagher Electric Fence Products from Valley Farm Supply

110V ENERGIZERS Product # Retail
Fence Energizer MB2800i G315514 $1,185.99
Fence Energizer MB1000 G301504 $599.99
Fence Energizer M160 G330444 $128.99
Fence Energizer M120 G330434 $97.99
Solar Fence Energizer S20 G341424 $199.99
Solar Fence Energizer S10 G341404 $138.99
B280 12V                                     G366504 $409.99
B180 12V                                    G364504 $349.99
B80 12V                                      G362504 $179.99
Fence Volt/Current Meter & Fault Finder G50905 $112.99
Digital Volt Meter  G503014 $56.99
Cut-off Switch  ORANGE  G60731 $17.99
Live Fence Indicator G51100 $35.99
GROUNDING Product # Retail
Ground Rod 6' Galvanized  A351 $12.49
Complete 3-Ground Rod Kit           A655 $40.99
Insulated Wire Strainer Kit G618034 $7.39
High Strain Insulator Kit G61814 $5.39
Wire Strainer G79504 $3.49
Insulated Wire Strainer G79553 $6.89
In-Line Wire Tightener G64304 $3.29
Strain Insulator   WHITE G67812 $10.99
Porcelain Round Insulator  G674034 $6.39
Porcelain High Strain Insulator G692034 $13.89
HD Tension Spring  A290 $10.99
WOOD POST INSULATORS, Connectors & Clamps Product # Retail
Wood Post Claw Insulator BLACK G67304 $13.49
Wood Post Pinlock Insulator   BLACK G68704 $13.99
Rod Post Scew-On Claw Insulator    WHITE G65514 $14.29
Wood & T Post Pinlock Insulator  BLACK  G681034 $12.89
Wood & T Post Pinlock Insulator   WHITE G681134 $12.89
T Post Wide Jaw Pinlock Insulator     WHITE                                        G682134 $12.89
OFFSETS Product # Retail
12" Offset Wire Mount Pinlock  (ASSEMBLED)   BLACK G659054 $3.99
Multi-Post Pinlock Offset Insulator WHITE G694134 $15.49
HD White Treadin  G636054 $214.50
HD Orange Treadin G63655 $214.50
Double Foot Plastic Treadin G72413 $107.60
HD Pigtail Treadin Post G64245 $52.99
Standard Pigtail Treadin Post G64219 $164.50
Ring Top Post G72315 $219.50
HD Gate Handle  ORANGE  G639304 $6.99
Econo Gate Handle  GREEN                                             G689404 $5.29
Small Gate Handle    WHITE G691104 $2.89
Insulgrip  G606304 $1.69
CABLE & WIRE Product # Retail
Double Insulated Hard Cable 65'  12.5 Gauge   G627014 $31.99
Double Insulated Hard Cable 330'  12.5 Gauge   G627034 $144.99
17 Gauge 250'  AXL17250 $12.69
14 Gauge 1/4 mile  AXL141320 $68.99
14 Gauge 1/2 mile  AXL142640 $134.99
 WIRE, BRAID & TAPE Product # Retail
POLYWIRE COMBO ROLL 1320' + 300' -(2 mm/1/16") G620300 $37.49
656' Polywire White  (2 mm/1/16") G62004 $20.99
2624' Turbo Wire White (2 mm/3/32") G62089 $155.99
1312' Turbo Wire White Combo Roll + 300' (2 mm/3/32") G620564 $94.99
656' Turbo Wire White  (2 mm/3/32") G62054 $54.99
656' 1/2" Polytape White  G62304 $36.99
1312' 1/2" Turbo Tape White  G62356 $119.99
1312' Turbo EquiBraid   WHITE      ( 5mm/3/16")   G62176 $193.99
REELS Product # Retail
Geared Reel G61150 $86.99
Economy Reel G61600 $36.99
W210 Livestock Weigh Scale G012504 $809.99
AG210 Package Smart Scale 210, alleyway loadbars and HD Aluminum platform AG210 $2,379.99
Alleyway Loadbars G06000 $1,218.49
HR5 Hand Held Portable Reader G03303 $2,299.99
Heavy Duty Stock Prod SG240 $69.49
Stock Prod Shaft - 36" SG091 $23.99
MIRACO WATERERS Product # Retail
Lil'Spring Double Sided Livestock Watering Tank A2900 $396.00
Lil'Spring Double Sided Livestock Watering Tank A3100DS $491.00
MiraFount Four Hole Livestock Watering Tank A3354-S $1,060.00
MiraFount Two Hole Livestock Watering Tank A3390 $817.00
MiraFount Two Hole Livestock Watering Tank A3465 $680.00

January 21, 2019

Gallagher & Dodge Ram AgPack Partnership

Purchase a new truck through your Ram Certified Agriculture dealer, and receive great AgPack rebate offer from Gallagher on livestock scales, handheld tag readers and data management software!


Ram AgricultureGallagher is proud to join Ram in recognizing the contribution of farming and ranching families as a Ram AgPack Partner which is being offered to farm and ranch families exclusively through Ram Certified Agriculture Dealers across the United States.

When you buy a new Ram truck, your Certified Agriculture dealer will sign you up for Ram AgPack on the spot. You'll receive an email with a redemption button that gets you a number of great offers on farm and ranch-management tools, including Gallagher scales, electronic identification readers, data collection and data management systems.

From equipment that helps you gain efficiency to predictive analysis software, Ram AgPack adds thousands of dollars of additional real agricultural value to your Ram truck purchase with quality products and services not only from Gallagher, but AgDirect, Agrible, AgroLiquid, Reinke and Rhino Ag.

Gallagher, Vice President, Dan Geller says, “Our objective is to provide producers with the best products, services and profitability for their business. By becoming a Ram AgPack Partner, we have a unique opportunity to partner with other like-minded companies dedicated to equipping producers with the tools they need to continue the legacy of American agriculture.”

Appreciation for agriculture's needs has deep roots with the AgPack Partners, Ram Certified Agriculture Dealers and the Ram brand.

Ram AgPack Program Director, Patrick Driscoll, says, "The Ram Certified Agriculture Dealership program was built with input from educational experts, agriculture experts, family farmers and ranchers so dealerships can offer the industry something more - a partnership that understands them at the core and adjusts to farm and ranch needs at every level, every season, for every reason. We want America's farm and ranch families to know we are their partner. By joining forces with respected companies like Gallagher, we're doing more than selling products. We're all making a difference."

