October 21, 2016

Gallagher & Weaver Leather Livestock Invite You to Register to Win a "Show Life Winning" Prize Pack!

You work hard. You deserve products and partners that work as hard as you do. Gallagher North America and Weaver Leather Livestock are proud to support you with quality, innovative products that make tough tasks a little easier.

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER. Please see the official rules for terms & conditions.

October 21, 2016

Cattle and Livetock Scale Introduction | Gallagher Scales

The Livestock Scale is designed to individually weigh livestock. Our web site shows an overview of a Livestock Scale installation.

The Livestock Scale is available with several options including 2,000 lb (907 kg) and 6,000 lb (2721 kg) Load Cells, Model 210 and Model 610 Indicators, and 115 V and 230 V Power Supply (AC to DC Converter).

The Model 210 Indicators are preset at the factory for pound or kilograms (and are not field programmable). The Model 6100 Indicator are preset at the factory for pounds, but may field programmed for kilograms.

October 21, 2016

Electric Fence Gates | Gallagher electric fence

Tape gates provide the most visible gate solution. Choose spring or bungy gates where the gate needs to be stretched across a lane to divert animals into the paddock.

October 19, 2016

Choosing electric fence insulators | Gallagher fence charger

We build our electric fence insulators from the highest quality raw material to last a lifetime. The porcelain insulators are fire-resistant and ideal for high fire-risk areas. The plastic insulators are made from UV stabilised polymers for sun resistance, toughness and durability. All Gallagher insulators feature long leakage paths and protective shields to achieve optimum performance from today’s high power energizers (except

October 15, 2016

Choosing tape, wire, braid and rope | Gallagher electric fence


BUY HERE!  Electric Horse Tape is generally used where visibility is important. With our Turbo Plus range we’ve drawn on our knowledge of animal psychology by replicating nature’s warning sign: Stripes. Proven to be more effective in deterring stock. Note: Tape is not recommended in areas exposed to very strong wind.

Polywire/Turbo Wire is preferable where wind or adverse weather conditions would “work” a tape to deterioration and enables maximum length of fence to be carried on a reel.

Braid is a woven product designed not to “tangle” or overstretch. It is not available in all countries.

October 13, 2016

Install Lightning Diverters on Electric Fence


BUY HERE! Lightning will damage your electric fence energizer if it strikes your power fence. Gallagher energizers have internal lightning diverters that give partial protection against small strikes. Installing an Adjustable Lightning Diverter (G6480) will give added protection by providing a path for the lightning that strikes the fence to be diverted to ground. Otherwise disconnect the energizer from the fence and power supply during lightning storms.

Lightning always finds the easiest way to earth. In areas where lightning is a problem installing an earth system to include a lightning diverter earth is essential.

October 13, 2016

Electric fencing helpful hint | Gallagher electric fence

Electric Fence Info. Stock will respect all fences if most of your farm fences are electrified. This means internal subdividing fences can then have fewer wires so you can build more fencing at a lower cost per metre (yard). Power electric fencing also makes fencing dams, rivers, trees and erosion prone areas easier.

October 12, 2016

Maryland Horse Council Event | Gallagher Electric Fence

The Maryland Horse Council is hosting the event on Saturday, November 5, 12-2 p.m. at the Great Strides Therapeutic Riding Center, 26771 Howard Chapel Road, Damascus, MD.

Need more information? Contact Jane Thery, theryjane@gmail.com, 202-527-2145

October 12, 2016

National Angus Convention & Trade Show

​​​The National Angus Convention and Trade Show is open for anyone associated with the Angus business.  Attendees traveling to Indianapolis are encouraged to download the Angus Mobile smartphone application for instant updates and a full schedule of events. In addition, there are several ways to stay up-to-date on news from the convention. ​ To register for this event or to learn more, visit www.angus.org

October 11, 2016

The electric fence has no zap!

It appears the horses have finally discovered the electric fence has no zap. For the last week while the horses are in eating their breakfast, I have been out in the field untangling, and restringing the electric fence. The charger has not been working well for a while, but it finally died a week or so ago. I only noticed after the horses noticed.

horse electric fence with no zap

We've had a new charger for a week. Installing it has been on the "to do list" since then. Finding time to do things on the "to do list" though has been a problem. We're hoping tomorrow's going to be the day. Now that the horses know the fence doesn't bite anymore, everyday it takes me longer to put it all back up. Soon they will be pushing the poles over and breaking the electric tape itself. We need to get the fence powered back up.

It always amazes me that those 3 strands of tape keep the horses on their side of the fence. I realize now that the tape is nothing without the electric. It's that surprise of the zap that scares them away. It usually only takes once to make them wary, twice zapped and they stay away.

If you have ever been tempted to touch an electric fence now would be the time to do it. Tomorrow when the sun shines on the new solar fence charger you might just get a jolt full of volts. I bet you won't touch it a second time. Only kidding, this is not an invitation to touch the electric fence! Promise me you'll give it a wide berth when you Come Ride With Us!

From https://www.facebook.com/DunPikinFarm/



